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Power Five public schools' athletics revenue fell at least $1.7 billion due to pandemic

Correction: An earlier version of this story mischaracterized the repayment terms of loans the Southeastern Conference obtained to fund a supplemental distribution to its members. Repayment to the lenders from the SEC currently is required to occur over two years – fiscal 2025 and 2026 – but the conference can request two one-year extensions, which would extend the period during which the conference would reduce planned distributions to all of the schools.

Compared to what they feared when the prospect of a 2020 football season was in doubt, many college athletics administrators at Power Five public schools are relieved with how their programs’ finances for the 2020-21 school year turned out.

But the COVID-19 pandemic still caused massive revenue declines, and the impacts will be felt for years – at some schools, for more than a decade, a USA TODAY Sports survey and analysis has found.