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Color Creative’s Niche Division Big Trouble Forges Authentic Experiences in Gaming Content

Kyle J. Russell

Within the innovative marketing agency Color Creative, LLC, exists a distinct enclave known as Big Trouble—a gathering of creative mutants who wield their soul-deep video game obsessions to craft content that resonates with players. From the latest gaming trends to the most niche subcultures, Big Trouble dives deep into the gaming world, speaking the language of players and delivering content that captures their imagination. 

Big Trouble represents the evolution of Color, serving as the latter’s specialized division born out of a shared passion for gaming and carving a distinct identity within the broader marketing and advertising landscape. Color began as a collective of indie filmmakers determined to revolutionize content creation for large brands. Since 2016, the Color team has been working closely with gaming companies. However, they hadn’t established a defined identity for this division.  

Recognizing the need to distinguish its gaming-focused endeavors, Color decided to brand it separately as Big Trouble. It houses former AAA cogs, indie devs, and passionate gamers who breathe games into their very souls to push boundaries and redefine the possibilities of creative expression in the gaming industry.  

The name “Big Trouble” reflects the irreverent tone and punk rock roots (thanks to the dynamic founder, Elie Goral) of Color. It embodies the agency’s ethos of championing authenticity and staying lighthearted while acknowledging the inherent fun and creativity in their work. Essentially, as a gaming division, the name captures the team’s spirit—a combination of uncontrolled creativity and tongue-in-cheek humor that defines their approach to content creation. 

Big Trouble offers services designed to meet the unique needs of the gaming industry. It specializes in creating bespoke concepts from scratch, meticulously researched and collaboratively unearthed—far from producing generic content. Because the team consists of player souls and industry brains who understand gaming culture on a profound level, Big Trouble ensures that every piece of content speaks directly to the client’s audience’s sensibilities. 

The multidisciplinary team leverages its expertise to offer design motion, 3D modeling, and animation services. They enthusiastically embrace the challenge of working from asset zero or transforming hundreds of assets into immersive experiences. This is why Big Trouble is known for breaking boundaries, as its works exist in a dimension where heretical physics, impossible colors, and unnamable emotions collide to create captivating experiences.  

Another highly sought-after service of Big Trouble is game capture. The team of passionate and skilled gamers who are intimately familiar with game mechanics captures the essence of gaming itself to create content that looks good and plays fun.  

Besides its specialized talent and comprehensive services, Big Trouble distinguishes itself for its focus on cultural immersion and maximum agility. Given that the team has spent years enjoying gaming both on and off the job, they can speak comfortably and genuinely to clients and determine their audience’s needs, given that they themselves are the audience.  

Meanwhile, Big Trouble prides itself on its agility, offering a nimble approach to projects that allows for rapid iteration and adaptation. It has access to Color’s extensive network of full-time creatives, allowing it to swell its numbers and multiply its talent as needed. 

Big Trouble intends to continue leveraging its team’s deep-rooted passion for gaming culture to create immersive experiences for players. With this, it presents a fresh and novel approach to gaming content creation. 

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