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How the Small Team at Crunch Is Making a Big Change in Data Processing

Vikram Aditya
Brianna Kamienski

Many of the most significant changes brought by AI revolve around streamlining workflow and changing how managers and tech experts approach their projects. The small team behind Crunch is tying this to the core of their new AI-focused startup.

“Business leaders have made decisions based on data for a long time,” says Vikram Aditya, the AI and data expert behind Crunch. “However, there has always been a middle-man.” He points to the invention of keyword-based searches as the last major innovation in data consumption, which took place around 2010, but points out that even this requires a “data person” to make it possible. “With the advent of AI and Crunch’s proprietary library of functions, this all changes.” In Aditya’s words, “Decision-makers will see AI make decisions automatically and leaders reviewing that, as opposed to how decisions are made today where you get into a room, identify a problem, ask for reports from different people and then meet again to decide the next steps”. 

Faith from the Industry: Crunch’s Fundraising Success

Aditya, his co-founder Apoorv, and the team behind Crunch are well-known experts in AI and data. They’ve worked on key products for companies across multiple enterprises, developing products and tools that have been used by large banks, financial institutions, and even government entities. These have served purposes as diverse as cryptocurrency security and forensic evaluations.

The pre-seed funding for the Crunch was the greatest sign of industry support. Based mostly on Aditya’s and Apoorv’s reputation, their vision, and the team building Crunch, the startup raised around $5 million, making it one of the largest pre-seed funding successes in the field.

Several industries are watching Crunch’s development with interest, as the team has developed potential use cases that include industries typically overlooked by AI-focused tech startups. This means leaders in the energy, automotive, e-commerce, and even retail industries have their eyes on Crunch and what it’s capable of.

Vikram Aditya

Changing How You Use Data: Crunch as Co-Pilot

“For most business leaders, AI should be seen as a co-pilot,” says Aditya, who based Crunch on the simple idea of letting decision-makers get their hands on data whenever they need it. He wants decision-makers of kinds—including data analysts, operational leaders, project managers, or anyone trying to grow their business—to reimagine “what an AI-first future looks like.”

“In the case of data analysis,” he says, “With an AI-powered approach, the role of the analyst itself gets revamped.” Crunch gives simple access to advanced tools like need prediction, forecasting, pattern mapping, and depth root cause analysis, the kinds of things that would normally require a team of analysts. Crunch can do all of this through the power of AI, becoming the kind of collaborative co-pilot that is often so difficult to find and retain.

A New Future for Data Analysis

“We believe Crunch will define the baseline for how the next generation of strategic leaders operates,” says Aditya, imagining how Crunch can integrate itself into the data processes of different industries and enterprises at different scales. His grand imagination is backed by a solid plan with a realistic timeline. “Our whole belief is along the lines of a new world of data backend and decision-making,” says Aditya, “Coming to reality as soon as 2030, and the first step is to get started today with Crunch.”

It’s a lot to imagine, but Aditya and the team behind Crunch are ready to share their vision and its potential. The simple fact is that AI is changing how businesses operate, and data analysis is going to be part of that. Professionals who use data to make decisions owe it to themselves to start thinking about this change soon, and tracking the work going into Crunch is an easy way to start.

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