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Vietnam Veterans Memorial

‘Remembrance is vital for our society’: Honoring 40 years of the Vietnam wall

A co-founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund tells me it has played a pivotal role in the cultural shift America has made in separating the war from the warrior.

I first saw the Vietnam Veterans Memorial three decades ago, on my first trip to Washington, D.C. As a war refugee whose family escaped the fall of Saigon in 1975 when I was 8, I wanted to see and touch the wall, but I can't say I had been looking forward to it.

The people whose names are engraved onto the granite wall died fighting a conflict over my birthplace, even as their fellow Americans protested to end the war and bring them home. My father and uncles fought in the same war, to save Vietnam from communism. We failed, we fled, and now we're U.S. citizens.  

What a heavy mental trip.

As soon as I stepped onto the descending path leading to the shiny black wall on the National Mall and saw the U.S. military veterans and their families among the tourists, I fought the feeling that everyone was staring at me. Irrationally or not, I felt guilty. I also saw my reflection in the wall among all those names and I mourned – a mourning for all the dead as well as the living, just as the memorial's designer, Maya Lin, had intended.   

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 16, 2022, on National POW/MIA Recognition Day.

Friday marks the 40th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Since my first trip there, I've married and moved my family to Northern Virginia. My father-in-law, Bob Elston Sr., was an Army first lieutenant posted in South Vietnam in 1968 when he learned his first son had been born in New Jersey. That son, Bob Jr., ended up marrying a Vietnamese American: me. 

We've been to the wall many times with our kids as well as visiting family and friends. I now find comfort and purpose whenever I walk the beautiful wall – the most popular memorial on the National Mall, attracting more than 5 million people each year – and see our reflections among the names.

As Robert Doubek, a co-founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), tells me, "Remembrance is vital for our society because freedom does not come for free."

I spoke with Doubek, an Air Force veteran, about how he got involved with the memorial and what he wants you to know about the wall. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Robert Doubek is now with the U.S. State Department, where he is responsible for acquiring sites worldwide for the construction of new U.S. embassies.

When were you in Vietnam, for how long, and what were you doing?

My tour in Vietnam lasted one year, ending on Thanksgiving Day 1969. As a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer, I had the unusual assignment of interrogating North Vietnamese prisoners of war for information about U.S. prisoners of war in North Vietnam, the effectiveness of U.S. airstrikes and infiltration down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The majority of prisoners were 19-year-old rice farmers with only six years of education who could provide little that was useful.

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How was it to return to the USA?

As an interrogator, I was authorized to wear civilian clothes, so I wasn’t identifiable as a Vietnam War veteran when I arrived home. I was then based in Texas, where people were still basically favorable toward the military. But when I came to Washington, D.C., for law school in 1971, I seldom mentioned that I had served in Vietnam. The dominant attitude among the young professionals there was that anyone who did military service – especially in Vietnam – had to be stupid.

VVMF co-founder Robert Doubek with Maya Lin, who was a 21-year-old architecture student at Yale when her proposed design was chosen in 1981 for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

How did you get involved in the memorial project, and how long did it take to complete?

I graduated law school in 1974, but found work as a lawyer to be unfulfilling. I began to hear that many Vietnam War veterans were having trouble readjusting to civilian life, so I thought I might volunteer my legal skills to help some of them. Consequently, I was invited to a meeting in April 1979 called to generate publicity for the needs of the veterans, such as treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. At the meeting one veteran, Jan Scruggs, stood up and asked, “What about a memorial?” The general response was that Vietnam veterans needed more benefits, not a memorial. I, however, thought it was a good idea, so I advised him that he needed to form a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation to carry out such a project. He asked me to do the legal work to set up the corporation and to be one of the founding directors. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund was incorporated on April 27, 1979

After working as a volunteer for six months, I became so fascinated by the prospect of creating a national memorial from scratch that I left my legal career to become the first VVMF employee – the executive director. Formal groundbreaking took place on March 26, 1982, and the memorial was dedicated on Nov. 11, 1982. 

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund officers meeting Bob Hope in 1981. From left, Robert Doubek, John Wheeler, Robert Frank and Jan Scruggs.

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How do you feel about the Vietnam wall now?

The memorial has deep meaning for me. I am proud of my role in creating what has become an American icon, humbled by the immense pain and sacrifice that it represents – and saddened that it had to be created at all. Its purpose is not to remember the war, but to honor and remember those who served and those who did not return. Remembrance is vital for our society because freedom does not come for free, and our country owes a debt of gratitude to those who serve in harm’s way and especially to those who make the ultimate sacrifice. 

VVMF co-founder Robert Doubek visits the construction site of the Vietnam wall in 1982.

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How will the 40th anniversary be observed?

This week, the 58,281 names on the wall are read over the days leading up to Veterans Day. The Veterans Day Observance at the wall will take place on Friday, and that evening will be a gala at the Willard InterContinental hotel with special guests – actor Ann-Margret, Sen. Chuck Hagel, Jan Scruggs and (FedEx founder) Frederick W. Smith.

Have you returned to Vietnam?

We stopped at four ports in Vietnam while on an ocean cruise from Singapore to Hong Kong in 2019, including Da Nang, where I had been stationed. With mostly dirt streets in 1969, Da Nang is now a busy modern city. Yet the house where my interrogation team had lived and written its reports was unchanged.

What else do you want the public to know about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

During and after the war, our country seemed to have lost its bearings with regard to honoring those who render military service. Vietnam War veterans were ignored or met with hostility and rejection. But the wall changed that and has had a profound effect on the soul of our nation – as a sacred place of healing, remembrance and homage for veterans, their families and all Americans. It has played a pivotal role in the cultural shift our country has made in separating the war from the warrior. It should also be noted that the memorial was financed by private donations and not by the government, so it is truly an expression of the American people. 

Robert Doubek, author of "Creating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: The Inside Story," is now with the U.S. State Department, where he is responsible for acquiring sites worldwide for the construction of new U.S. embassies.

Thuan Le Elston

Thuan Le Elston, a member of USA TODAY's Editorial Board, is the author of "Rendezvous at the Altar: From Vietnam to Virginia." Follow her on Twitter: @thuanelston

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