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U.S. Capitol Riots

Republican women are meeting the moment for Jan. 6 committee hearings

Time and time again, brave women, Americans, stood up, raised their right hands and spoke truthfully about the events surrounding the U.S. Capitol attack.

Olivia Troye and Barbara Comstock
Opinion contributors

The House Jan. 6 committee has revealed truths that have shaken us to our core, as they should to every American.

We’ve learned the lengths to which a sitting president would go to cling to power, even if it meant shredding the Constitution in the process. We’ve learned that the threats to our democracy aren't gone; they’re only waiting for the next opportunity to rear their heads.

We’ve also learned that when it counted the most, Republicans – and especially Republican women – set aside personal consequences and courageously exposed right from wrong to protect our country at our most fragile moment.

Not just Jan. 6 committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney

We must acknowledge the unique and unprecedented role that women from all walks of life have played over the past two months in the committee's public phase.