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When Trump goes to Vietnam, I hope he can learn something from Ken Burns, Le Ly and me

How the president should have prepared for his trip to my birthplace.

Thuan Le Elston holding a photo of Kim, the character she played in the movie "Heaven and Earth."

Mr. President, did you see any of Ken Burns’ Vietnam War series before flying to Danang on Friday? If 18 hours is too long for you to sit through the documentary, how about the two-and-a-half hour film Heaven and Earth

It was based on Le Ly Hayslip's autobiography When Heaven and Earth Changed Places, which The New York Times includes in its list of Vietnam books to read. My friend Le Ly, coincidentally, grew up in a village outside Danang. If only she could be your guide! Le Ly, once an American businesswoman now a humanitarian, knows well the Art of the Deal.

She could have been of help to you Friday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, where according to the White House you'll give a speech on "the important role the region plays in advancing America’s economic prosperity." 

Have fun explaining that when Asian leaders are just like you, primarily interested in advancing their own nations' prosperity. What do you have to trade? Vietnamese communist leaders will ask you that question, in much more diplomatic terms than I'm capable of, when you meet with them Saturday in Hanoi. Their economy was supposed to gain from the Trans-Pacific Partnership that you torpedoed. What new deal are you going to offer? Vietnam already has plenty of golf resorts.

Your confused relationship with Asia and Vietnam reminds me of the 1965 memo by Assistant Defense Secretary John McNaughton laying out America's goals in the Vietnam War:

  • 70% to avoid a U.S. defeat
  • 20% to keep South Vietnam territory from China
  • 10% to permit the South Vietnamese to enjoy a better, freer way of life
  • Also, emerge from crisis without unacceptable taint
  • Not to help a friend

The lesson? If your goal in foreign affairs is only to help yourself, people will notice and you won't be so successful.

That point comes across in the new PBS series on Vietnam. For a 10-part series trying to cover four sides of the war — America, South Vietnam, the Vietcong and North Vietnam — Ken Burns and his partner, Lynn Novick, by necessity spread themselves too thin and can't satisfy everyone. And though they took advantage of newly unclassified footages and data from Hanoi and Washington, a lot of what they covered was already in the 1983 PBS series based on Stanley Karnow's book Vietnam: A History.

What stood out to me in the latest version:

  • In 1968, during the Tet Offensive, it took two weeks for U.S. Marines to fight across the Perfume River in Hue to support South Vietnamese troops, who kept the enemy from overwhelming our side's division headquarters.
  • South Vietnamese President Thieu said President Nixon was "an honest man, and I am going to trust him."
  • After Watergate, Congress cut off funds to South Vietnam. "Artillerymen in the Central Highlands could fire just four shells a day. And infantrymen were limited to 85 bullets a month."

Sad! Wouldn't you agree, Mr. President? Afghan Americans and Iraqi Americans who have watched the series must feel despair. Look, the United States is doing to our native lands what they did to South Vietnam.

Le Ly Hayslip at the Lake Champlain International Film Festival on Nov. 4, 2017.

I actually watched some of the documentary with Le Ly, who once was a teenage Vietcong cadre tortured by South Vietnamese soldiers and raped by her fellow guerrillas. Her presence made my viewing experience more intense, more alive. 

Saturday in Plattsburgh, N.Y., the Lake Champlain International Film Festival screened Heaven and Earth, and Le Ly and I were invited there to answer questions. Though I sat next to Le Ly in the dark theater, I still couldn't believe she had survived to see her life reborn on the screen. And now, incredulously, also to see on-screen a President Trump walking around her Danang.

Sorry, Mr. President, but I can't imagine Vietnamese leader Tran Dai Quang saying he'll trust you. You say you are a fan of winning, so I hope you'll pick up one idea in Vietnam. If the president is thinking only of himself, America will lose.

Thuan Le Elston is a member of USA TODAY's Editorial Board. Before she was married, Thuan Le had a speaking role in Oliver Stone'sHeaven and Earth, a rare non-journalism job for her. Follow her on Twitter: @thuanelston  




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