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Donald Trump

Joe Biden leads President Trump 57%-41% in new national CNN poll

Corrections and clarifications: The story has been updated to show that President Donald Trump said “stand back and stand by" during the presidential debate. 

President Donald Trump continues to trail Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden nationally, according to a new CNN/SSRS poll released Tuesday.  

Fifty-seven percent of likely voters support Biden while 41% support Trump, the survey found.  

Biden gained seven percentage points from the last CNN/SSRS poll, where he had the support of 50% of voters. Meanwhile, since that August poll, Trump’s support has decreased five percentage points, from 46%.  

Polled after the first presidential debate, from Oct. 1 to Oct. 4, 64% of voters said that Trump has not done enough to denounce white supremacist groups. This comes after Trump refused to condemn white supremacy during the debate, instead telling the white supremacist group Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”  

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Most voters – 57% – who watched the debate said Biden did the better job, compared to 26% who said Trump did a better job.  

Voters also have a more favorable opinion of Biden than Trump. Thirty-nine percent of voters had a favorable view of Trump compared to Biden’s 52%. Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., also is more favorable among voters than Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Forty-seven percent of voters view her as favorable while 38% think that of Pence.  

The poll also finds that Biden leads Trump in every issue among likely voters, including the economy, which Biden had previous trailed Trump in.  

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Fifty percent of likely voters said that Biden would handle the economy better than Trump while 48% percent of likely voters said that Trump would better handle the economy.  

The poll also found that 59% of likely voters said Biden would handle health care better than Trump, while only 39% of likely voters said Trump would better handle health care. Fifty-nine percent of likely voters also said Biden would better handle the coronavirus compared to the 38% that said Trump would handle coronavirus better than Biden.   

The poll surveyed 1,205 voters by phone and has a margin of error of plus/minus 3.3 percentage points. 

This poll is the latest survey showing Biden gaining on Trump. A NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed Biden's lead over Trump increased to 14 percentage points after the first presidential debate.  

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