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Pelosi sets vote on measure to limit Trump's war powers, citing 'urgent' concerns on Iran strategy

Correction: An earlier version of this story mischaracterized the war powers resolution that the House will vote on Thursday. It is nonbinding.

WASHINGTON – The House will vote Thursday on a measure that would limit President Donald Trump's ability to wage war with Iran, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced. 

The Democratic House speaker said Trump's action last week – authorizing a drone strike that killed top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani – was "provocative and disproportionate" and done without consulting Congress. 

Thursday's debate will shine a spotlight on the Soleimani killing and the possibility of further escalation between the U.S. and Iran. It will also air constitutional questions about the president's ability to order military action without congressional authorization.

“Members of Congress have serious, urgent concerns about the administration’s decision to engage in hostilities against Iran and about its lack of strategy moving forward," Pelosi said. “To honor our duty to keep the American people safe, the House will move forward with a War Powers Resolution to limit the President’s military actions regarding Iran."  

But even if the measure passes the House, which is controlled by Democrats, it will face hurdles in the GOP-controlled Senate. And Trump could ignore it; as its drafted, the resolution doesn't go to the president for his signature and doesn't carry the force of law, according to an analysis by Lawfare, a legal blog.

More:Trump, Tehran step back from war footing after Iran's attack on military bases in Iraq

Pelosi's decision to move forward with the war powers measure came after Iran retaliated on Tuesday for Soleimani's killing by launching ballistic missiles at two Iraqi airbases that house U.S. and coalition forces.

Trump said that incident did not cause any American casualties and resulted in only minimal damage, as he sought to lower tensions with Iran in an address to the nation Wednesday. But Pelosi and other Democrats said they remained alarmed at the possibility of further military confrontation. 

More:5 highlights from Donald Trump's televised address on the Iranian missile attacks

"The consequences of this strike already ... have been cataclysmic," said Sen. Christopher Murphy, D-Conn., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He and others said the situation could still easily spiral out of control.

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said the U.S.-Iran tensions require a debate and vote in Congress. 

"When we ask our troops to risk everything, we in Congress cannot hide under our desks, outsource our constitutional duty to the president, and pretend that we can avoid accountability for war and its consequences,” Kaine wrote in an op-ed published by Fox News on Wednesday.

Kaine has introduced a resolution in the Senate that, like the House bill, would require a declaration of war or congressional authorization for any further military hostilities with Iran.

Republicans said such a step is unnecessary, arguing that Trump has the authority he needs under the Constitution and previous use-of-force authorizations.

"The United States is not pursuing an invasion of Iran," said Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., as he came out of a classified briefing on Iran by Trump administration officials.

"It's acting defensively, in the defense of troops deployed to Iraq under an authorization by Congress," he said, referring to the authorization of military force passed in 2002 against Iraq. 

Trump administration officials have cited the 2002 authorization as part of the legal justification for the killing of Soleimani. 

Last April, Trump vetoed a war powers resolution that would have required him to end the U.S. military role in Yemen. The U.S. has provided intelligence, weapons, and other assistance to a Saudi-led coalition that is at war with Iranian-backed rebels in Yemen.

In her statement announcing the war powers vote, Pelosi said the House might also consider legislation from Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., that would repeal the 2002 military force authorization, as well as a bill from Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., that would bar funds from being used for military action against Iran not authorized by Congress.    

More:Bernie Sanders, Ro Khanna introduce legislation to block funding for military action in Iran

More:Pompeo, Esper brief lawmakers on Iran after President Trump addresses the nation

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