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Southwest Airlines

Images from terrifying Southwest flight show passengers didn't put oxygen masks on right

In this April 17, 2018 photo provided by Marty Martinez, Martinez, left, appears with other passengers after a jet engine blew out on the Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 plane he was flying in from New York to Dallas.

The airline safety demonstrations at the beginning of flights have become so routine for fliers that many hardly pay them any attention. 

But images captured on Southwest Flight 1380 before the plane made an emergency landing shows that travelers need to start looking up from their smartphones when the flight attendant is speaking. 

A shot shared by passenger Marty Martinez shows him and other passengers wearing their masks over their mouths. But when the oxygen masks are deployed, passengers are supposed to place them over both their noses and mouths. 

Properly wearing an oxygen mask is important in a situation where a plane suddenly has a dramatic drop in cabin pressure. 

The Federal Aviation Administration calls the masks "the first line of defense against the potentially lethal effects of hypoxia and carbon monoxide poisoning." Hypoxia occurs when a person isn't getting enough oxygen, which can cause dizziness, reduced vision, impaired judgment, unconsciousness and even death. 

Martinez admitted his focus was more on capturing the moment on Facebook Live than putting on his mask. 

"All I could think about was how can I can I get a message out to loved ones," Martinez said on CNN. "And rather than put on my oxygen mask I reached for my laptop in an effort to buy WiFi as the plane was going down." 

Southwest flight 1380 was traveling from New York to Dallas with 144 passengers and five crew members on Tuesday when it was forced to land in Philadelphia after one of the Boeing 737's engines exploded, blowing out a window.

A passenger, Jennifer Riordan of Albuquerque, N.M., was sucked into the broken window and suffered fatal injuries. 

The cause of the incident is under investigation, but a "fatigue crack" in one of the failed engine's fan blade's is suspected to be the source of the problem. 

More:Southwest Airlines engine failure investigation focuses on broken metal fan blade

More:Mother of two dies in mid-air crisis after being wedged in Southwest plane window


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