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ChatGPT is poised to upend medical information. For better and worse.

It's almost hard to remember a time before people could turn to "Dr. Google" for medical advice. Some of the information was wrong. Much of it was terrifying. But it helped empower patients who could, for the first time, research their own symptoms and learn more about their conditions.

Now, ChatGPT and similar language processing tools promise to upend medical care again, providing patients with more data than a simple online search and explaining conditions and treatments in language nonexperts can understand. 

For clinicians, these chatbots might provide a brainstorming tool, guard against mistakes and relieve some of the burden of filling out paperwork, which could alleviate burnout and allow more facetime with patients. 

But β€“ and it's a big "but" β€“ the information these digital assistants provide might be more inaccurate and misleading than basic internet searches.

"I see no potential for it in medicine," said Emily Bender, a linguistics professor at the University of Washington. By their very design, these large-language technologies are inappropriate sources of medical information, she said. 

Others argue that large language models could supplement, though not replace, primary care. 

"A human in the loop is still very much needed," said Katie Link, a machine learning engineer at Hugging Face, a company that develops collaborative machine learning tools.

Link, who specializes in health care and biomedicine, thinks chatbots will be useful in medicine someday, but it isn't yet ready. 

And whether this technology should be available to patients, as well as doctors and researchers, and how much it should be regulated remain open questions.

Regardless of the debate, there's little doubt such technologies are coming – and fast. ChatGPT launched its research preview on a Monday in December. By that Wednesday, it reportedly already had 1 million users. In February, both Microsoft and Google announced plans to include AI programs similar to ChatGPT in their search engines.

"The idea that we would tell patients they shouldn't use these tools seems implausible. They're going to use these tools," said Dr. Ateev Mehrotra, a professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School and a hospitalist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

"The best thing we can do for patients and the general public is (say), 'hey, this may be a useful resource, it has a lot of useful information – but it often will make a mistake and don't act on this information only in your decision-making process,'" he said.

How ChatGPT it works     

ChatGPT – the GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer – is an artificial intelligence platform from San Francisco-based startup OpenAI. The free online tool, trained on millions of pages of data from across the internet, generates responses to questions in a conversational tone. 

Other chatbots offer similar approaches with updates coming all the time. 

These text synthesis machines might be relatively safe to use for novice writers looking to get past initial writer's block, but they aren't appropriate for medical information, Bender said.

"It isn't a machine that knows things," she said. "All it knows is the information about the distribution of words."

Given a series of words, the models predict which words are likely to come next. 

So, if someone asks "what's the best treatment for diabetes?" the technology might respond with the name of the diabetes drug "metformin" β€“ not because it's necessarily the best but because it's a word that often appears alongside "diabetes treatment."

Such a calculation is not the same as a reasoned response, Bender said, and her concern is that people will take this "output as if it were information and make decisions based on that." 

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In this photo illustration, ChatGPT answers the query, "tell me about ChatGPT" on a laptop screen. Feb. 03, 2023

Bender also worries about the racism and other biases that may be embedded in the data these programs are based on. "Language models are very sensitive to this kind of pattern and very good at reproducing them," she said. 

The way the models work also means they can't reveal their scientific sources β€“ because they don't have any.

Modern medicine is based on academic literature, studies run by researchers published in peer-reviewed journals. Some chatbots are being trained on that body of literature. But others, like ChatGPT and public search engines, rely on large swaths of the internet, potentially including flagrantly wrong information and medical scams. 

With today's search engines, users can decide whether to read or consider information based on its source: a random blog or the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, for instance.

But with chatbot search engines, where there is no identifiable source, readers won't have any clues about whether the advice is legitimate. As of now, companies that make these large language models haven't publicly identified the sources they're using for training. 

"Understanding where is the underlying information coming from is going to be really useful," Mehrotra said. "If you do have that, you're going to feel more confident."  

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Potential for doctors and patients

Mehrotra recently conducted an informal study that boosted his faith in these large language models. 

He and his colleagues tested ChatGPT on a number of hypothetical vignettes β€“ the type he's likely to ask first-year medical residents. It provided the correct diagnosis and appropriate triage recommendations about as well as doctors did and far better than the online symptom checkers  that the team tested in previous research.

"If you gave me those answers, I'd give you a good grade in terms of your knowledge and how thoughtful you were," Mehrotra said.

But it also changed its answers somewhat depending on how the researchers worded the question, said co-author Ruth Hailu. It might list potential diagnoses in a different order or the tone of the response might change, she said. 

Mehrotra, who recently saw a patient with a confusing spectrum of symptoms, said he could envision asking ChatGPT or a similar tool for possible diagnoses.

"Most of the time it probably won't give me a very useful answer," he said, "but if one out of 10 times it tells me something β€“ 'oh, I didn't think about that. That's a really intriguing idea!' Then maybe it can make me a better doctor."

It also has the potential to help patients. Hailu, a researcher who plans to go to medical school, said she found ChatGPT's answers clear and useful, even to someone without a medical degree.

"I think it's helpful if you might be confused about something your doctor said or want more information," she said. 

ChatGPT might offer a less intimidating alternative to asking the "dumb" questions of a medical practitioner, Mehrotra said. 

Dr. Robert Pearl, former CEO of Kaiser Permanente, a 10,000-physician health care organization, is excited about the potential for both doctors and patients.

"I am certain that five to 10 years from now, every physician will be using this technology," he said. If doctors use chatbots to empower their patients, "we can improve the health of this nation."

Learning from experience    

The models chatbots are based on will continue to improve over time as they incorporate human feedback and "learn," Pearl said.

Just as he wouldn't trust a newly minted intern on their first day in the hospital to take care of him, programs like ChatGPT aren't yet ready to deliver medical advice. But as the algorithm processes information again and again, it will continue to improve, he said. 

Plus the sheer volume of medical knowledge is better suited to technology than the human brain, said Pearl, noting that medical knowledge doubles every 72 days. "Whatever you know now is only half of what is known two to three months from now."

But keeping a chatbot on top of that changing information will be staggeringly expensive and energy intensive.

The training of GPT-3, which formed some of the basis for ChatGPT, consumed 1,287 megawatt hours of energy and led to emissions of more than 550 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, roughly as much as three roundtrip flights between New York and San Francisco. According to EpochAI, a team of AI researchers, the cost of training an artificial intelligence model on increasingly large datasets will climb to about $500 million by 2030. 

OpenAI has announced a paid version of ChatGPT. For $20 a month, subscribers will get access to the program even during peak use times, faster responses, and priority access to new features and improvements. 

The current version of ChatGPT relies on data only through September 2021. Imagine if the COVID-19 pandemic had started before the cutoff date and how quickly the information would be out of date, said Dr. Isaac Kohane, chair of the department of biomedical informatics at Harvard Medical School and an expert in rare pediatric diseases at Boston Children's Hospital.

Kohane believes the best doctors will always have an edge over chatbots because they will stay on top of the latest findings and draw from years of experience. 

But maybe it will bring up weaker practitioners. "We have no idea how bad the bottom 50% of medicine is," he said. 

Dr. John Halamka, president of Mayo Clinic Platform, which offers digital products and data for the development of artificial intelligence programs, said he also sees potential for chatbots to help providers with rote tasks like drafting letters to insurance companies. 

The technology won't replace doctors, he said, but "doctors who use AI will probably replace doctors who don't use AI."

What ChatGPT means for scientific research

As it currently stands, ChatGPT is not a good source of scientific information. Just ask pharmaceutical executive Wenda Gao, who used it recently to search for information about a gene involved in the immune system.

Gao asked for references to studies about the gene and ChatGPT offered three "very plausible" citations. But when Gao went to check those research papers for more details, he couldn't find them.

He turned back to ChatGPT. After first suggesting Gao had made a mistake, the program apologized and admitted the papers didn't exist.

Stunned, Gao repeated the exercise and got the same fake results, along with two completely different summaries of a fictional paper's findings. 

"It looks so real," he said, adding that ChatGPT's results "should be fact-based, not fabricated by the program."

Again, this might improve in future versions of the technology. ChatGPT itself told Gao it would learn from these mistakes.

Microsoft, for instance, is developing a system for researchers called BioGPT that will focus on clinical research, not consumer health care, and it's trained on 15 million abstracts from studies. 

Maybe that will be more reliable, Gao said. 

This photo illustration shows snippets of a lengthy conversation that   pharmaceutical executive Wenda Gao recently had with ChatGPT. Gao's intent was to better understand how the chatbox worked, so he asked ChatGPT for research about a gene involved in the immune system and found that the chatbox fabricated references over and over again.  The "correct references" response from ChatGPT were not correct either.

Guardrails for medical chatbots

Halamka sees tremendous promise for chatbots and other AI technologies in health care but said they need "guardrails and guidelines" for use. 

"I wouldn't release it without that oversight," he said. 

Halamka is part of the Coalition for Health AI, a collaboration of 150 experts from academic institutions like his, government agencies and technology companies, to craft guidelines for using artificial intelligence algorithms in health care. "Enumerating the potholes in the road," as he put it. 

U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, filed legislation in late January (drafted using ChatGPT, of course) "to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is done in a way that is safe, ethical and respects the rights and privacy of all Americans, and that the benefits of AI are widely distributed and the risks are minimized." 

Halamka said his first recommendation would be to require medical chatbots to disclose the sources they used for training. "Credible data sources curated by humans" should be the standard, he said. 

Then, he wants to see ongoing monitoring of the performance of AI, perhaps via a nationwide registry, making public the good things that came from programs like ChatGPT as well as the bad. 

Halamka said those improvements should let people enter a list of their symptoms into a program like ChatGPT and, if warranted, get automatically scheduled for an appointment, "as opposed to (telling them) 'go eat twice your body weight in garlic,' because that's what Reddit said will cure your ailments."

Contact Karen Weintraub at

Health and patient safety coverage at USA TODAY is made possible in part by a grant from the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition in Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation does not provide editorial input.

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