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Fact check: Local NAACP chapters have wanted Stone Mountain carvings removed for years

Corrections & Clarifications: This story was updated Oct. 1 to correct a reference to when South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from its state capitol in 2015. This did not affect the rating for this claim.

The claim: NAACP wants Confederate  carvings removed from Stone Mountain

A 3-year-old Facebook post about the NAACP's position on the country's largest monument to the Confederacy stirred up anger and some confusion when it recirculated this month.

The post features a photo of the Stone Mountain carving in DeKalb County, Georgia, which depicts Confederate President Jefferson Davis mounted on horseback alongside Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. Etched into a massive stone outcropping, the roughly 90-foot-tall figures loom over Stone Mountain State Park, about 15 miles outside of Atlanta.

“The NAACP wants this sandblasted off Stone Mountain,” text above a photo of the carving reads. “LIKE and SHARE this post if you think it should be left alone.”

Georgia law has protected the Stone Mountain memorial from being “altered, removed, concealed, or obscured in any fashion” since 2001. That clause was added to a 2001 bill changing the state flag, which had been dominated by the Confederate battle emblem, the AP reported

Over 160,000 users have shared the post from the Facebook page Southern War Cry since September 2018. The post from the page gained hundreds of additional comments in September 2021. 

A meme with the same text has been circulating since at least August 2015. An administrator of Southern War Cry, Randy Whittaker, told USA TODAY he made the meme based on a quote that Atlanta NAACP President Richard Rose gave WSB-TV in an interview in July 2015. Rose suggested sandblasting or other removal, saying, "Those guys need to go."

"If people don't like Confederate statues, put up one they like and leave the Confederate ones alone," Whittaker said.

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Both the Atlanta and DeKalb County NAACP chapters have pushed for removing the carvings for several years, though sandblasting isn't a requirement, the presidents of both confirmed to USA TODAY.

The post didn't specify which branch of the NAACP wanted to see the carvings "sandblasted," however, and some commenters inferred it referenced the organization's national level.

The national NAACP hasn't weighed in on the Stone Mountain carvings, and it did not respond to requests for comment. 

In the past, the national organization has condemned the display of Confederate battle flags and emblems in public spaces, in one case boycotting South Carolina until it permanently removed the Confederate flag from display at the Capitol in 2015..

Confederate President Jefferson Davis (from left) and Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson are carved into the side of Stone Mountain.

Atlanta NAACP president: "They should be removed"

Rose was clear the chapter has long fought for the carvings to be removed – but any method would do.

“As far as I'm concerned, you can sandblast them, you can cover them, you can do whatever you want with them,” Rose told USA TODAY in a phone interview. “But they should be removed, because it's a monument of hate."

Led by Rose, the Atlanta NAACP has also pushed for the removal of Confederate symbols and flags in the park for years, according to a joint press conference with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in July 2015. The chapter organized a protest against the carving on July 4, 2018, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. 

Rose also said Stone Mountain "was always an honorarium of sorts for the Ku Klux Klan" and called it a "white supremacist shrine," citing its long history of association with the KKK.

In 1915, the mountain became the "symbolic birthplace of the modern Ku Klux Klan" when a group led by former Methodist preacher William J. Simmons burned a cross atop the stone outcropping, KQED-TV reported in 2015. It later became a regular meeting place for the group. 

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A crowd of demonstrators march to the Capitol Monday, June 15, 2020 in Atlanta. The NAACP March to the Capitol coincided with the restart of the Georgia 2020 General Assembly. Lawmakers returned wearing masks and followed new rules to restart the session during the pandemic.

Removal could be costly – it could easily exceed $1 million, the AP reported. But Rose says that there is a human cost to keeping the carvings. 

"What we know is all of these monuments and Stone Mountain maybe in particular encourage violence against people of color," he said, "whether it is policemen or whether it is Joe Blow is at the service station. And what is a life worth?"

DeKalb County NAACP wants carvings removed, says chapter always has

DeKalb County NAACP President Teresa Hardy told USA TODAY the chapter has “always” wanted the carvings removed and has led protests against the carvings. Stone Mountain State Park is within DeKalb County, Georgia.

“We want it removed,” Hardy told USA TODAY in a phone interview. “We've always said that, and that was even before my time.”

Hardy has presided over the chapter since 2016, but she was a part of leadership before then. She didn't mention sandblasting specifically.

The push for removal hasn't been unwavering, however. The DeKalb chapter issued a statement in 2018 saying it "does not presently advocate for the carving to be removed… until such time as more courage and more progressive ideals are in the hearts of members of the Georgia General Assembly and in the hearts of Georgians who are blinded by fear, racism, and false pride."

Lahahuia Hanks holds up a fist in front of the Confederate carving at Stone Mountain Park during a Black Lives Matter protest on June 16, 2020 in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Hardy said the chapter chose to advocate for more realistic, immediate changes because members felt the Georgia Legislature was not likely to approve its removal at that time.

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Hardy and the chapter have participated in several protests pressuring lawmakers to remove the Confederate figures from the mountain. At a protest on June 27, 2020, she told WBS-TV that the protest complemented the group's efforts to get people to vote in legislators who oppose the carvings.

Our rating: Missing Context

We rate the claim that the NAACP wants Confederate carvings sandblasted off of Stone Mountain MISSING CONTEXT, because it is unclear which NAACP branch it refers to. Presidents of the Atlanta and DeKalb County NAACP branches told USA TODAY that their chapters want to see the carvings taken down, though they haven't advocated for sandblasting specifically. National NAACP leadership has not weighed in on the Stone Mountain statue, according to our research.

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