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Fact check: No evidence a low-powered magnet will protect cellphone users from EMF radiation

Portrait of Chelsey Cox Chelsey Cox

Correction: This fact-check has been updated to reflect further reporting and analysis and to more accurately describe how the smartDOT product functions. Our original "partly false" fact-check rating is unchanged.

The claim: The smartDOT, a magnet that attaches to electronic devices, protects against dangerous EMF radiation

A May 28 Facebook post to the page "Stop 5G Charleston" by user Kelly Fitzgerald Fowler brought renewed attention to the smartDOT device, which promises to protect against electric and magnetic fields, or EMF radiation.

Fowler posted a link to a sponsored blog entry for smartDOT. The entry claims that "scientists have finally discovered a safe and reliable way to protect us from harmful phone radiation." That method is the smartDOT, a "breakthrough anti-radiation device" developed by scientists in the UK. The tiny magnet neutralizes EMF radiation when attached to a EMF-transmitting device β€” like a phone, laptop or baby monitor β€” through entrainment, the ad claims.

"Increased energy, better moods, and fewer headaches" are also attributed to the smartDOT.

"Can I get some opinions on these devices? Has anyone looked into them? It says it works against 5G," Fowler wrote. She did not respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY.

What are EMFs?

Electric and magnetic fields β€” EMFs β€” are on the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation extending from static to X-rays, according to the World Health Organization. The WHO also observes that most of the population is exposed to EMFs and that exposure levels increase with technological advances.

A cellphone is an example of a device that releases EMFs as radio waves, a form of non-ionizing radiation, from its antenna.

How do they affect people?

The energy can be transferred to the body, according to the National Cancer Institute, but there is no consistent evidence linking non-ionizing radiation to increased cancer risk in humans.

More research is required to determine whether EMFs are detrimental to human health, according to the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences.

"Currently, scientific evidence has not conclusively linked cell phone use with any adverse human health problems, although scientists admit that more research is needed," the NIEHS site states.

The toxicology program for the institute released a 2018 report on findings that linked high exposure to radio frequency radiation β€” the type used in 2G and 3G cellphones β€” to cancerous tumors in male rats. However, the researchers warned the results are not comparable to human cellphone usage.

β€œIn our studies, rats and mice received radio frequency radiation across their whole bodies. By contrast, people are mostly exposed in specific local tissues close to where they hold the phone," institute senior scientist John Bucher said. "In addition, the exposure levels and durations in our studies were greater than what people experience."

What does smartDOT have to say?

The Federal Trade Commission states anti-radiation "shields" could interfere with a phone's signal, causing the device to emit more radiation to locate service.

But Lucy Blyth, Managing Director of Global EMF Solutions Ltd. told USA TODAY that the smartDOT is actually a low-powered magnet that "harmonises" or "retunes" EMFs to a more natural frequency.

"As the (phone) signal is still emitting, it will not have to work harder and therefore will not emit more EMF," Blyth explained.

Parent company energyDOTS positions the smartDOT as an answer to exposure to non-ionizing EMF radiation. The company cites a 2011 press release from the WHO International Agency for Research of Cancer where the agency classified radiofrequency electronic fields as possibly carcinogenic. The classification is based on a past study that showed an an increased risk for glioma -- a type of brain cancer -- in a category of heavy cell phone users. 

EnergyDOTS also referenced an appeal signed by 44 scientists around the world urging the United Nations and its Environment Programme, the WHO and U.N. member states to take EMF exposure more seriously.

The IARC called evidence correlating glioma and other types of cancers with cell phone use "limited" and "inadequate" in its press release, but energyDOTS also pointed to the EU's "precautionary principle" in support of the product.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe said the precautionary principle "should be applied when scientific evaluation does not allow the risk to be determined with sufficient certainty" in a 2011 report on the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields.

Studies to back up smartDOT claims

The smartDOT ad references a 2015 study from the journal Stem Cell Research on effects of low-frequency electromagnetic fields on human bone marrow. The study's authors state that endogenous, or internal, EMF frequencies act on a molecular level, yet can be entrained through harmonic resonance to follow exogenous (external) frequencies.

In other words, as the smartDOT ad explains, "This magnet uses a scientific process called 'entrainment' to capture the radiation emitted by your device – which means the smartDOT neutralizes EMF radiation before it affects your body."

EnergyDOTS ties the product's claims to several "independent" tests: independent blood microscopy, thermal imaging,  and gas discharge visualization (GDV) testing.

The company also claims that chickpeas exposed to EMF radiation from a cellphone exhibited stunted growth compared to plants grown near a cellphone protected by the smartDOT.

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EMFs and blood cells

The blood microscopy experiment funded by energyDOTS found "highly significant" changes in red blood cells that were stacked or chained due to possible environmental stressors. Some cells changed behavior and became "free floating" after exposure to the electroDOT (now smartDOT) device, according to the study

But it is difficult to generalize these results to a larger population because the researchers conducted blood tests on only 15 adults with "varying degrees of electro-sensitivity and health," the study states. 

Moreover, a study of the effects of low frequency magnetic fields on the white- and red blood cell levels of welders did not find a clinically significant difference between the welders and the control group. The study is one of the few that examined how electromagnetic fields might affect blood cell behavior, according to a review article in the Hematology & Infusion International Journal. The only other study referencing human subjects as an example studied microwaves. However, cellphones emit much lower electromagnetic frequencies than microwaves, according to the American Cancer Society.

Does it lower temperatures?

EnergyDOTS also claims the smartDOT "significantly reduces" heating effects while using a phone and provides images from independent thermal testing results as proof.  A 2011 Medical Thermal Imaging Study Report monitored changes in the "biofield," or auras, of 60 subjects before and after using a cell phone with the electroDOT. Subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire about their physical and mental health at the beginning and end of the experiment. Of note, pregnant and nursing mothers were excluded from the study.

Using Medical Thermal Imaging (MTI), the researchers measured infrared radiation emitting from the skin's surface with a digital infrared camera. Electron Photon Imaging (EPI) was used to capture the area and symmetry of the subjects' auras. Researchers found enhancements in the "energy field," significant reductions in superficial temperatures of the heart, back and forehead regions and an enhanced sense of well-being in those who used the electroDOT for an average of two hours over a 21-day period compared to a control group.

However, the researchers did not control for other variables that may have resulted in an enhanced sense of well-being or any other results attributed to the electroDOT, though the authors of the report did note the study methods should be applied to a larger test group for a longer duration.

There is other evidence that at least 15 minutes of exposure to radio frequency waves from cellphones increases brain tissue temperature in cows, providing "improper effects on the brain health," according to a study in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine. Another study observed that the thermal effect of radiofrequency waves on cows' brains was reduced by simply increasing the distance between the cellphone and the brain tissue.  Despite its claims about the smartDOTS' ability to protect against EMF emissions, energyDOTS also recommends increasing the distance between an EMF-emitting device and its user to reduce exposure.

The smartDOT is not the only product sold by energyDOTS tested on a human biofield. Regardless, the existence of an imaging field, or "aura," is not supported by scientific evidence.

A test to measure chakras

Gas discharge visualization, or GDV, appears to be another imaging technique without basis in science. Researchers in the energyDOTS independent study measured changes in human energy fields and chakras to "prove the efficacy of electrodot (SolarWind) Electromagnetic Harmonisers over negative effects of mobile phone use." 

Also known as "Kirlian photography" after its inventor Seymon Kirlian, GDV is actually a collection of techniques used to photograph electric corona discharges, explains an article in business and technology magazine Wired. Some believe GDV can capture a person's aura on film, according to the article, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Meanwhile, The FTC states there is no scientific proof that anti-radiation "shields" significantly reduce exposure from EMF emissions because the entire phone emits electromagnetic waves. 

Our rating: Partly false

We rate the claim that the smartDOT reduces exposure to harmful EMF radiation as PARTLY FALSE. The brand makes misleading claims, including citing studies that are not based on science, funded by the manufacturer or are not directly related to the product's function. Agencies like the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences have not discovered a direct link between EMFs and diseases affecting humans. However, the NIEHS acknowledges that more research is required to determine whether EMFs are detrimental to human health. While, the smartDOT is not a shield, according to energyDOTS, the Federal Trade Commission also notes there is no scientific proof that a shield would reduce EMF waves. Independent tests promoted by the company involve techniques that are not backed up by scientific evidence.  

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