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Sexual Assault

Colleges must now hold cross-examinations in sex assault cases, Betsy DeVos says

David Jesse
Detroit Free Press
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos answers a few questions from the media as she tours Detroit Edison Public School Academy in 2019 in Detroit.

Colleges across America now must hold live testimony hearings with cross-examination in campus sexual assault cases, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced Wednesday in putting new rules in place.

In doing so, DeVos moved the on-campus administrative investigations closer to mirroring a court hearing, complete with questions directed at those making accusations. The regulations are effective Aug. 14.

"We can continue to combat sexual violence, continue to combat sexual misconduct without abandoning our core values of fairness, presumption of innocence and due process.” DeVos said in releasing the regulations. "Our action today brings us closer to fulfill Title IX's purpose — fair education for all."

The move reflects the way courts have been ruling in a steady drumbeat of lawsuits from students accused of sexual assault. The rules issued by DeVos are a direct rollback of requirements put in place by the Obama administration.

She said the Obama rules led to "kangaroo courts."

The new rules drew condemnation and promises of legal challenges from victim rights groups.

DeVos told reporters she wasn't surprised by this.

"I know many will unfortunately offer you scare quotes and half-truths in attempts to undercut this rule," she said.

It drew praise from U.S. Senate education committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee.

"This final rule respects and supports victims and preserves due process rights for both the victim and the accused,” Alexander said in a statement. “For example, the rule ensures victims get the support they need to change classes or dorms if they allege they have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed and the rule ensures the victim and the accused get a fair hearing to resolve such allegations. I am glad Secretary DeVos undertook this rule-making to help give more certainty to victims, the accused, and college administrators.”

But the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, a research, policy and advocacy group, said the new rules would harm reporting on campus.

“One of the most significant concerns we expressed and continue to have with the rule is the unintended consequences of requiring a live hearing with direct cross-examination by counsel as it will likely discourage reporting of incidents of campus sexual misconduct," association President Peter McPherson said in a statement. "Some will worry about an anguish-inducing process that includes requiring them to face direct questioning by respondents’ aggressive counsel in a live hearing courtroom-like setting."

The regulations stem from a 1972 law known as Title IX that bars sex discrimination at schools receiving federal funding. The rule defines what constitutes sexual harassment or assault as part of Title IX enforcement, what triggers a school’s legal obligation to respond to allegations and how a school must respond. Title IX has the force of law. Schools who don't follow the rules can face steep fines.

Many on both sides — those fighting for more due process for the accused and those advocating for victims — believe the ultimate arbitrator of how campuses will handle these issues will be the U.S. Supreme Court in the near future, in rulings much the same way the court has told campuses how to handle affirmative action in the admissions process.

Over and over in a media briefing, Department of Education officials stressed they are making the entire process fairer.

"It marks the end of the false dichotomy of either protecting survivors, while ignoring due process, or protecting the accused, while disregarding sexual misconduct," said Assistant Secretary Kenneth Marcus of the Office for Civil Rights. 

The Department of Education released the new rules despite pleas from a number of organizations to delay them until after the coronavirus pandemic ends.

"The issue here is not the merits of these particular regulatory proposals," the American Council on Education, which represents public and private two-year and four-year schools, wrote in a letter co-signed by 23 higher education associations. "Rather, the issue is that given the serious disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, institutions simply do not have the capacity to implement these proposals at this time."

The council wrote that implementation of the new regulations is expected to be enormously complex and burdensome for campuses. It will require a coordinated effort across many departments to identify, review and change existing policies and procedures in a sensible manner.

Attorneys general from 17 states, including California, Michigan, New York and Virginia, also wrote, urging a delay.

According to that letter, finalizing the proposed rule now would also cause confusion about ongoing Title IX complaints and investigations, which have already been disrupted by the coronavirus with closures and employees working remotely. 

"During this crisis, schools will need the flexibility to fashion and revise investigation, resolution, and grievance procedures on an ongoing basis, in order to carry out Title IX’s mandate in the manner that best addresses the impact of the pandemic and the needs of their school populations and communities" the letter reads.

However, DeVos said now is actually the ideal time.

"Civil rights really can't wait," she said, adding it is "actually an ideal time for campus administrators to begin implementing this when students are not on college campuses."

More:Courts ruling on side of students accused of sexual assault. Here's why

More:As Devos pushes for campus sexual assault hearings, both sides describe trauma

In 2011, the Obama administration issued what became known as the "Dear Colleague" letter, demanding colleges up their game when it came to sexual assault complaints.

Changes included schools switching to a single investigator method, meaning a single university employee or outside expert interviews the accuser, the accused and any witnesses separately and then writes up a report. Both sides often have a chance to review the report, but can't ask each other or witnesses questions. 

Complaints started to arise that universities had swung the pendulum too far and were going into the process thinking the accused students were guilty even before gathering the evidence.

There also was backlash from sexual assault survivors who filed complaints with the federal government alleging their universities hadn't handled their complaints properly. The federal government cracked down on schools, including pre-Larry Nassar scandal Michigan State University, which the government said had bad policies that contributed to a sexually hostile environment.

Then came the lawsuits.

Those who had made sex assault allegations sued schools saying the schools weren't acting quickly enough, were mishandling the cases and exposing them to harassment by their attackers during the investigation process.

At the same time, those accused of sexual assault — mostly men — filed their own series of lawsuits, alleging the schools had not given them due process and their right to cross-examine their accuser.

The courts, more often than not, have sided with the accused students, according to an analysis of federal lawsuits compiled by KC Johnson, a professor at Brooklyn College and the co-author of "The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities." Johnson has tracked the cases and provided the Free Press with his database of cases and outcomes.

The most noteworthy case came out of a situation involving a male student who sued the University of Michigan. In 2018, a federal appeals court emphatically threw out the single investigator model and required cross-examination hearings for all schools in multiple states covered by the district.

"Due process requires cross-examination in circumstances like these because it is 'the greatest legal engine ever invented' for uncovering the truth," the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit wrote in that September 2018 ruling. "Without the back-and-forth of adversarial questioning, the accused cannot probe the witness’ story to test her memory, intelligence, or potential ulterior motives."

Johnson said the rules issued Wednesday fall right in line with that ruling.

"In many ways, this rule is bringing the basic approach of the 6th Circuit to the country as a whole," he told the Free Press. "And, obviously, the biggest change is the requirement for a hearing and cross-examination, which will give accused students a meaningful chance to defend themselves."

U-M spokesman Rick Fitzgerald said the university would review the regulations. He noted many of the changes are already in place at U-M.

Reaction to the changes was swift. Victims' rights group decried them and groups supporting rights for the accused praised them.

Cynthia Garrett, the co-founder of Families Advocating for Campus Equality, said the rule changes will help due process in many ways, including in letting people see training that investigators are undergoing to make sure there’s no bias against those who are accused. That’s a common complaint — that investigators never believe the accused students.

"Our concerns on this issue center on the tendency of training to instruct Title IX personnel that conduct or statements made by a complainant that is inconsistent with having been assaulted should be ignored as 'counterintuitive victim behavior,' " Garrett said.

The Independent Women’s Forum released a statement praising the move.

"The new regulations restore the presumption of innocence, require schools to notify accused students of the specific allegations against them in a timely manner, and allow both parties a meaningful opportunity to tell their version of events to an impartial arbiter."

Others weren't as happy.

"The rule does not prioritize students and survivors, but rather tips the scales in favor of named abusers and protects universities and their bottom lines. If this rule goes into effect, schools will be shielded from liability for ignoring or covering up sexual harassment,"  Know Your IX said in a statement on Twitter.

Other organizations agreed, saying victims may be less likely to come forward if they have to sit before the person accused of assaulting them.

“This final rule is an abomination and, if it takes effect, will silence sexual assault survivors and limit their educational opportunity,"  said Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. "The rule is the antithesis of what Title IX was intended to do. All students deserve an educational environment free from sex discrimination and violence. We will work with our allies to fight this rule and send it to the dustbin.”

In late 2018, DeVos announced her proposed rule changes to Title IX in a federal process that required a public comment period.

The announced proposal included holding hearings and allowing cross-examination, mirroring the 6th Circuit appeals court. 

The American Council on Education, higher education's biggest lobby, sent a 33-page letter signed by a number of higher education associations, opposing many of the changes, including the addition of live hearings. They, and many victim's rights groups, believe the hearings re-traumatize the students making the accusation. They also believe the administrative system on campus should function differently than the courts. Many sexual assault accusations never end up in criminal court. The Obama administration lowered the standard at schools for finding sexual misconduct occurred to a preponderance of the evidence, which is lower than the standard used in criminal courts.

"The proposed rules impose highly legalistic, court-like processes that conflict with the fundamental educational missions of our institutions," the council's letter said. "We repeat: Colleges and universities are not law enforcement agencies or courts. Unfortunately, the (proposed rules) consistently rely on formal legal procedures and concepts, and import courtroom terminology and procedures, to impose an approach that all schools — large and small, public and private — must follow, even if these procedures, concepts, and terms are wildly inappropriate and infeasible in an educational setting. The proposed rule assumes that institutions are a reasonable substitute for our criminal and civil legal system. They are not."

Contact David Jesse: 313-222-8851 or Follow him on Twitter: @reporterdavidj,

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