
USAID supports democratic governance, transformational reforms, and transparent and accountable recovery at both the national and local level across Ukraine. USAID works at the national level to further institutionalize Ukraine’s anti-corruption architecture and champions the decentralization, judicial, parliamentary, and oversight-related reforms essential for Ukraine’s EU integration. At the local level, USAID partners with local governments, the private sector, and civil society to improve transparent, effective service delivery and citizen engagement in recovery processes, as well as resilience in frontline communities. USAID programs help hold Russia accountable by strengthening domestic adjudication of war crimes, providing legal aid to vulnerable groups, and promoting human rights protections consistent with European standards. USAID also develops the ability of citizens and civil society to recognize and fight corruption, oversee and inform government decision-making, and advocate for community priorities, with a particular focus on empowering youth. USAID programs support the role of media in a democratic society by helping produce high-quality news and social impact entertainment content, strengthening media literacy, and supporting data-driven strategic communications. USAID helps Ukrainian stakeholders improve the integrity of competitive, democratic elections and political processes, and helps political parties and elected officials strengthen their accountability and responsiveness to  constituents. The Digitalization Unit works across Mission technical sectors to advance our partnership on Ukraine’s digital transformation for revitalization, transparent recovery, and good governance.

Current Programs:


Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support
Implementer: Ednannia 
Project Period: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2025

The Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity works to improve the social and political environment for civil society and strengthen the ability of civil society organizations to sustain themselves and strengthen the self-reliance of the overall civic sector in Ukraine. The three activity objectives are to: (1) strengthen the institutional  capacities of civil society organizations; (2) improve the legal enabling environment for civil society; and (3) enhance research and learning to better understand civil society’s challenges, and take advantage of opportunities and best practices.

Transformation Communications Activity
Implementer: Chemonics International Inc 
Project Period: July 1, 2020 – September 30, 2026

The USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) works to increase the resilience of Ukraine’s democracy with innovative communications initiatives about democratic transformation and European integration. This will be achieved through three primary objectives: (1) equip USAID and its partners to conduct data-driven communications; (2) increase the quality and quantity of strategic communications on reform dividends; and (3) broaden the use of social impact content by Ukraine’s civic leaders and creative sector.

Media Program in Ukraine
Implementer: Internews Network
Project Period: October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2025

The purpose of the Media Program in Ukraine (MPU) Activity is to strengthen the role of media in democratic processes in Ukraine, and expand citizens’ access to quality information in order to counter malign influence and support European integration. The Activity has four objectives: (1) increase the availability of high-quality, engaging content; (2) increase public demand for quality information; (3) implement critical media reforms; and (4) strengthen and sustain key media institutions and processes.

Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement
Implementer: Pact
Project Period: October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2025

Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement (ENGAGE) Activity works to increase citizen awareness of and engagement in civic actions at the national, regional, and local level through four key objectives: (1) strengthen institutional capacities of civil society organization; (2) improve the legal enabling environment for civil society organizations; and (3) enhance research and learning of civil society sectoral challenges, opportunities, and best practices.


Digital Transformation Activity (DTA)
Implementer: Eurasia Foundation
Project Period: December 6, 2023 – December 5, 2028

The purpose of the joint USAID/UK Dev Digital Transformation Activity (DTA) is to invest in Ukraine's digital transformation, which is a crucial element in the nation's economic revitalization, transparency in reconstruction, and advancement of good governance. The Activity aims to enhance the nation's digital capabilities and build resilient systems for a secure, prosperous future.

Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity  
Implementer: DAI
Project Period: May 18, 2020 – September 16, 2025

USAID’s Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity strengthens the resilience of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure to withstand cyberattacks by establishing trusted collaboration between key cybersecurity stakeholders in the government, private sector, academia, and civil society. The Activity includes three mutually-reinforcing components: (1) strengthening the cybersecurity enabling environment; (2) developing Ukraine’s cybersecurity workforce; and (3) building a resilient cybersecurity industry.


Accounting Chamber of Ukraine Capacity Strengthening Activity
Implementer: GAO/CAE
Project Period: January 6, 2023 – January 9, 2026

USAID partners with the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) Center for Audit Excellence (CAE) to assist the the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine–the country’s Supreme Audit Institution–in conducting audits of state budgetary expenses, including direct budget support from the U.S. Government , in accordance with international standards.

Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity
Implementer: DAI
Project Period: December 4, 2023 – December 3, 2028

The purpose of the joint USAID/UK Dev Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity) is to reduce corruption incidence and risks, in order to build back a better Ukraine through three objectives: (1) strengthen national level anti-corruption institutional capacity to advance the prevention, detection, and deterrence of corruption; (2) strengthen anti-corruption compliance and control in local governance; (3) advance transparency and accountability in resilience, recovery, and reconstruction efforts.


Democratic Governance East
Implementer: Chemonics International Inc 
Project Period: October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2026

The purpose of the Democratic Governance East Activity is to promote inclusive civic identity, common civic values, and a unified Ukraine by addressing the divisive impacts of Russia’s aggression. The Activity works to increase citizen participation, improve service delivery, and foster more responsive governance.

Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency
Implementer: Global Communities
Project Period: June 8, 2016 – September 30, 2025

USAID’s Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) Activity provides comprehensive assistance to local communities to help make local governments more effective, responsive, and capable of delivering tangible benefits to citizens. DOBRE has two primary objectives: (1) to increase local government capacity to effectively manage resources and services to effectively respond to community priorities; and (2) to improve citizen engagement and oversight in local governance priorities.

USAID Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity
Implementer: DAI
Project Period: March 19, 2021 – March 18, 2027

The goal of the USAID’s Governance and Local Accountability (HOVERLA) Activity is to assist the Government of Ukraine to further develop a strong legal framework for local governance, supporting sectoral and fiscal decentralization by: (1) ensuring Ukraine's system of local self-governance is increasingly institutionalized and effective; (2) facilitating more self-reliant subnational governance; and (3) creating mechanisms that allow citizens to play an increasingly influential role in local governance processes.


Human Rights in Action
Implementer: Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union
Project Period: September 30, 2017 – September 7, 2024

The USAID Human Rights in Action Activity supports efforts that enhance accountability for human rights abuses and war crimes arising from Russia’s full-scale invasion. These efforts include human rights monitoring and advocacy, litigation of human rights cases, awareness raising and citizen empowerment, and legal assistance to survivors of torture and conflict war. The activity is implemented by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU), a coalition of 26 human rights organizations.

Healing and Accountability Through Human Rights Activity
Implementer: ABA ROLI
Project Period: May 15, 2024 – May 14, 2029

The purpose of the USAID's Healing and Accountability through Human Rights activity is to help Ukrainians achieve justice and address social divisions resulting from Russia’s full-scale invasion by supporting processes aimed at accountability for war crimes. The activity will foster dialogue on difficult questions related to post-conflict recovery, and will begin healing and reconciliation using human rights-based approaches, including transitional justice tools.

Justice for All
Implementer: Chemonics International Inc
Project Period: October 1 2021 – September 30, 2026

USAID’s Justice for All (J4A) Activity works to strengthen justice systems, services, and societal engagement to deliver responsive solutions to Ukrainians’ legal problems and justice needs. The Activity’s objectives are to: (1) strengthen the independence, accountability, and effectiveness of justice systems and institutions; (2) enhance the accessibility and quality of people-centered justice services and multiple pathways to justice; and (3) equip and empower civil society and active citizens to hold the justice system and justice services accountable, as well as to drive demand for meaningful judicial reform.


Ukraine National Identity Through Youth
Implementer: IREX
Project Period: August 10, 2020 – February 9, 2027

The purpose of the Ukraine National Identity Through Youth (UNITY) Activity is to foster vested ownership among young people in Ukraine's democratic, European future by further mobilizing youth leadership around a values-based concept of Ukrainian identity grounded in innovation, engagement, and pluralism. This will be achieved through the following interconnected objectives: (1) youth expand their economic opportunities by improving their innovation, entrepreneurship, and career preparedness skills; (2) youth broaden their engagement in civic and community problem- solving; and (3) youth drive Ukraine’s pluralism and respect for diversity. 


Domestic Oversight of Elections and Political Processes
Implementer: Civic Network OPORA
Project Period: November 1, 2022 – January 31, 2026 

The purpose of the Domestic Oversight of Elections and Political Processes Activity is to support Ukrainian civil society in advancing a more democratic and participatory electoral and political processes. The Activity aims to: (1) improve the electoral and political environment through effective civil society advocacy and watchdog initiatives; (2) improve the fairness and integrity of Ukrainian electoral events through domestic oversight; and (3) increase the sustainability of domestic oversight organizations.

Ukraine Responsive, Accountable Governance Program 
Implementer: CEPPS/International Republican Institute, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, and National Democratic Institute
Project Period: April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2026

The purpose of the activity is to strengthen political processes and institutions, leading to political competition that is more fair and more transparent and political actors which are more connected to society and responsive to citizens. It has four objectives: (1) national political parties are more rooted in society and effectively pursue shared interests; (2) more representative local politics and expanded political choice; (3) the enabling environment for political competition is improved; and (4) electoral stakeholders in Ukraine are supported to ensure free and fair elections.

RADA Next Generation
Implementer: Internews Ukraine
Project Period: October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2026

The RADA Next Generation (RANG) Activity advances the next generation of reforms that will strengthen the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU) as a modern, effective institution that promotes accountability and democratic development in Ukraine. RANG works towards four objectives: (1) greater participation by constituents in legislative processes; (2) VRU analytical and oversight capacity strengthened and enhanced; (3) the VRU performs its constitutionally designated functions more effectively and efficiently through the utilization of technological and innovative solutions; and (4) supporting VRU on war-related activities, preparations for peace and the post-war environment.

Ukraine democracy