1. People who play WoW
2. People who drink diet pop and think it's healthy
3. Pregnant women
1. George Fisher
2. Fat people stock up on anything that says 'diet' on it
3. Your mother, when she was pregnant with you
by Xtreme2252 March 9, 2009
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People who are rejected in society cause their fat and stuff.
Commonly found:
1) Falling off bridges.
2) Getting pushed off bridges.
3) Breaking bridges and therefor falling into the water.
4) The Jerry Springer show
Skinny person 1: Yo dude did you see those Fat People fall into the water!
Skinny person 2: Yeah I heard there was a flood in Paris!
*Both of them laugh*
Fat guy from Paris: Latz' nowt fahny.
*Both skinny people push him into a bridge*
by NFtheAwesomeGuy April 9, 2009
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Fat people are those guys you see on talks shows who are so fat that they can not get out of bed, but just keep eating fried chicken anyway.

Holy Crap! Those fat people can't even get out of bed, but they still ate a whole bucket of KFC! Damn they are fat asses!
by Vanamee October 5, 2006
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those people every1 loves making fun of in school.
and on the internet,and at work, and on the street, everywhere. its a tradition that will never die.
guy 1: dude remember when i put a moldy big mac in that fat bitch kayla's locker?

guy 2: LOLOLOLOL that was fuckin halarious! and remember when i put a pic of that fatass in the swimming locker room on 4chan and facebook? LOLOLOL now every1 knows him!

guy 1: gotta love fat people
by chainsawguy100 April 1, 2011
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These mammals are extremely overprotective of their "Diet" food. If approached while they are consuming, the obese creature will attack with cow-like reflexes. When told to go on a diet, they will tend to bitch and moan about how they lost 3 pounds over the past 5 months.
Skinny person: Frank you really need to go on a diet.

Frank: Suck my dick!

Skinny person: Whens the last time YOU saw your dick?

Frank: ...You jerk! *cries and eats bucket of ice cream*

Skinny person: I hate fat people.
by maxmus45 September 8, 2008
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People who can not controll there eating habbits. Some born with problems and can not exercise but many are too lazy to. The main causes of fatness is T.V, Video games and Mcdonalds. Most people that are fat have almost no stamina and are picked on in school and everyday life unless they are also freakishly tall.
by mr.500 October 24, 2006
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