A city in Hampton roads where all the strangers act like they just did smoked alien crack laced with demon shit.
Guy 1: Hey dude you wanna go to Newport News ?

Guy 2: Hell nah bro if I go there, they gonna steal my dog and sell it for crack
by Trashhhh9999 April 11, 2023
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The national greeting in New Zealand that begins with beating your wife and ends with jacking off to Troon porn.
I give my wife a New Zealand Welcome every time dinner is late.
by snorts mcgee April 15, 2023
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A New Zealand Mud Slide is the act of defecating on a prostitute's chest and then proceeding to sit it in and sliding down her chest so your feces smear over her chest like the mud on a set of mountains.
"Yo! Did you hear Kevin gave the Jefferson Street hooker a New Zealand Mud Slide?"
"Dude! No way! That's awesome! Did he take pics?"
by ChaoTato May 5, 2020
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when responding quickly in texting, the texter might respond "K" instead of typing out ok or okay... but will accidentally hit the "J" key instead of "K"...
"j is the new k" is like when referring to fashion and trends... "pink is the new red" "grey is the new black" or when someone gets a new boyfriend, "dave is the new john"
by pinkgirl68 February 22, 2010
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your by a lamppost,you unscrew the bulb and sick your dick in side and enjoy the electrical shock..........and live
man: hey man watch this (sticks dick in socket and lives)

friend: woah that was the new jersey lamppost
by boba joe boba joe June 23, 2011
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New Jack, may have referred to the new form of getting jacked a verb. For example When something was jacked, it was overtaken or the effort was surpassed by another. If a person was jacked they were overtaken. The New Jack phrase emphasized the new arrival of a style that surpassed the last. When this phrase has Swing added to it it signifies dancing and music for dancing and movement with rhythm. When this phrase is paired with City it signifies a city that is predominately African American that primarily uses a form of music and style that formed or became popular during the New Jack (era).
Written by Nicolette Poindexter
Music made during the New Jack Era was the best.
by Nekohlet Poindexter November 5, 2017
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A sloppy sandwich with a sexual reference. Usually eaten by Pueblo fold from El Paso.
Damn bro don’t be a kitty kat, put that New York Steamer in your mouth.
by Qbert 1978! October 23, 2019
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