John Murphy is a sweet caring young man who loves to spread joy and love! He pooped his pants in mcdonald’s while fucking ali mac!!! He has dookie stains on his underwear and when he bends over u can see his bum bum!! He loves to suck on big mommy milkers! His favorite food is burgers yum yum yummy!! HEE LOVES HIS MOMMY MOMMY AND HIS BUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Murphy is fat!!
by pussyfuxker<33 November 19, 2022
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Well he has a two word name which is pretty cool, along with the fact that John David’s are generally nice guys with blue eyes and brown hair. They will most likely lose in a fight although they generally good with video game fights. John David’s are good human beings.
Guy:”is that John david over there?”
Guy17:”I don’t know who that is but he seems nice”
by Yourmumthersdestroyer January 4, 2022
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The John Wilkinson Bowl Challenge Consists Of: A Bowl Filled With One Gram Of Indica Like Purp, Some Keef (enough to cover the top and cigarette tobacco, enough to cover middle of the bowl. You Pack it, Light it and In Order To Successfully Complete The John Wilkinson Bowl Challenge You Have To Clear The Whole Bowl In One Hit and Exhale A Haze Of Smoke Thick Enough To Cover Your Surrounding Enviorment, Like Your Face.
Person 1: John Smoked A Whole Bowl Of 1 Gram Of Weed, Keef, And Tobacco yet some how manage to clear it in ONE HIT!
Person 2: Thats crazy! The John Wilkinson Bowl Challenge FTW!
by SirSource August 5, 2020
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The haircut know as a tonsure.
As seen by everyone who watched romeo and juliet in hight school (Not the leonardo one)
Hahaha, that guy's haircut looks like friar John - He's got a friar John haircut,
"Oi, Friar John, come over her and show us your awesome haircut".
by Snh88 February 27, 2020
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Shovel poo from ones bum

And smear it on another person's eyebrows
She looks like she's had a john howard
by leroy 1111111 October 21, 2022
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I heard John tickler has said a Nono word I don’t fucking believe it though
by You suck a Retard June 4, 2020
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A tower in TDS which got replaced by garbage.
-I miss john tower
-Who doesn't?!?! Militant sucks!!!
by A fuckin tds player November 10, 2021
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