When an IT student drinks so much Jaloviina that they pass out cold.
Jaakko had a Graceful shutdown at 11PM
by R3tr0_-_xXx November 5, 2020
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A government's lack of money to pay public workers and the military. Lack of resources in the Federal, state, and municipal governments.
President Donald Trump is trying to convince congress to allocate financial resources until january 20th ,in order to avoid a shutdown that will leave public workers, retired federal workers , the military and etc,without their wages in february.
by rOBERTHESAINT2@GMAIL.COM January 20, 2018
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A type of shutdown when a few HRs or executive staff resign from the roblox group then the whole group shuts down.
av.warehouse just committed jetAurora shutdown
by sprice7X March 17, 2021
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