The best franchise in the whole of the imperial esports league. They will clap your cheeks with their eyes closed, hands tied behind their backs and no internet at all.
*Reflux esports wins RLCS*
Bendik: "im so sorry can I rejoin Reflux? they forced me to join dormant"
Everyone: "lol no we got $4.5 million"
by SoraTheExplorer July 9, 2020
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An esports organization that wins wins wins no matter what. They have phenomenal talents like saucybeanzz19 and rang1bot
"Hey did you see Daze Esports win against CMC League 3-0 in Garfield Kart?"
"Yeah that match was insane. I loved the part when saucybeanzz19 said its dazein time! and dazed CMC"
by PsychoTurtle990 September 1, 2022
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timeless is ran by Dom iUS and Tyler from hydra, timeless is a African team made in India gathering all the musty scammers to make one top tier c ops team.
Woah I want to join timeless esports because of Dom ius
by Zon ios October 26, 2020
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