When you fuck a girl with a condom on, then after you burst your nut you flick it in the girls eyes than quickly run away. Thus, the disappearing penguin.
Girl: He pulled the disappearing penguin on me last night!

Girl2: Well i guess your pretty ugly....
by Yuekaday March 25, 2011
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Disappearing sickness is for dumbasses who reply once every month and are prone to reply and then dip.
bro1: Ayo muhammad i haven’t heard from u in like forever

muhammads dumbass: yah bro i’m so sick i b disappearing. call that shit disappearing sickness😳
by ayobrowhatsgood November 5, 2019
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this is where the father says he’s going to get some cigarettes or Stella and completely ditches the family
Evan: dad can you pick up some candy from the shop
Father: sweet kid

Evan leaves ...

father : stupid little naka thinks am getting him sweets fuk this am not comin back me like kid FUK U EVAN I’m gonna do the disappearing father trick
by Hi I’m Evan February 20, 2020
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When you dunk your shot on the 18th hole, usually for eagle. The ball just vanishes without a hop and it’s the best feeling
I played a round with Tommy yesterday, he wasn’t playing so good and was getting frustrated but on the 18th hole he pulled a disappearing act and got so excited
by Daddy Piccolae August 15, 2021
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