The adults only game were you film homemade porn with your partner. You quickly flick through your contacts on Whatsapp until someone say stop. Where it lands determines which lucky recipient gets sent the video and pics.
Kym: "Fancy playing Whatsapp roulette with this facial video?"
Ali: "Just make sure it doesn't get sent to my grandmother this time"
Kym: "Spin those wheels, Daddy"
by Alexmate October 17, 2022
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A feature of the app WhatsApp in which you can follow and get the latest information about celebrities, companies and other things. Channels are located in the “Updates” tab below the statuses. Some people like it and some protest.
I hate WhatsApp channels! Let me try to install an older version of this app to remove this stupid stuff!
by Fictional Wor(l)ds September 22, 2023
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Its a way of greeting someone to start a conversation in a rather fun way.
AYO! WHATSAPP Tyler how you doing
by the handler rnt /SerianMaribie November 12, 2022
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A social media app with contacts you can make.
Hey do you want to talk on WhatsApp instead of messenger today?
by November 25, 2020
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A girl/boy that makes their day better then it has to be.
Sometimes this includes jumping into pools filled with donuts, or testical eating. In rare cases some WhatsApp beavers can text until the veins and blood from under ther nails pop out and stain white colored carpet. Use windex to clean the stain. Some beavers will eat their hair, but use spicey ranch bbq sauce with basil. This calls them while the forth through their yodunfrusy's.
Stop it mackenzie your starting to eat pigs ear like a "WhatsApp beaver."
It's ok veronica I like chocolate nostrils, but only on cold days.
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1. A funny meme that you like
2. A stupid meme former or current finobers use that destroys your braincells.
Hey guys. whats u-
*someone plays whatsapp earrape*
by higuysitsscarcehere June 14, 2021
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Everything that happens is in it and no one even cares about what we post but we still post every single thing on our mind
Oset hayetna
Whatsapp ps :“Shifet sarsour elyom w ken byshbahkoun”
by Your mommy anh November 29, 2021
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