This song is the incarnation of team fortress two memes. If you hear this song, run as fast as possible. You don't want to see what's on that phone.
Guy 1: hey check this out

Guy 2: man this Tick-Tock song is grea-
by Keylord31 August 14, 2023
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A Chinese Spyware app commonly used by the youth to make "entertainment"
Anna: " hey did you see the lastest Tick-Tock trend?"

Nathan: "Of course not, I value my privacy and sanity"
by A dude, in disguise February 6, 2023
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Tick tock is an app where wired sh** os made. However many cute guys are there and girls 😉 and they get too many likes for doing nothing except being cute. But u got to love them
Friend: i just downloaded Tick tock its so good but i wish i got as many likes As Cash baker

Me: Yeah but they only get likes because there cute
Friend: yeah
by TicktocerAlex April 26, 2019
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A crocodile that swallowed a clock, and makes a tick-tock sound. Captain Hook is afraid of said crocodile.
(tick tocking noise)

Captain Hook: Shit! It's Tick Tock Crocodile!
Smee: Alright Mr. Crocodile, get out of here. Go on, shoo!!
Crocodile: (Crawls back into the water with a disappointed look on his face and swims away)
by Vampira Andres June 24, 2023
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a clock with a spinning pole stripper with a rat in her bra and getting fucked in the eye by a cat.............
hey dude what time is it....Umm hold on i am watching this girl tick tock manoj......Your fucking weird man.......dude i know.
by 12volcom21 April 9, 2010
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