Two people who are fucking the same person.

I.e. if one person is fucking another person, who is also being fucked separately by another person. The first and last mentioned persons are "pelvic partners".
by necrophillis December 11, 2016
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A L O N E is your TRESPASS PARTNER as always BANK ON IT as there is always only TW0 INVOLVED seems to be BUTT don't bet on that that is just the TRIGGER MAN and you are ANAL ALAN JEWUSH HOMOSEXUAL COPROPHILE ALAN I WALDMAN the POINT MAN where they are always pointing their SMELLY FINGERS but no worries there is a LIMIT to outright violation of THE H0LEY ASSH0LE.
its a boyfriend or girlfriend who also loves to watch Disney movies
My Disney partner is coming over to watch Mulan with me.
by FuckS0C1ety April 28, 2015
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Using and sleeping with a person with a primary purpose of a bed to stay. Also said for a slang or more political correct term for a one night stand.
Billy is in Aspen for the X-games and realizes he only has one hour to find a lodging partner before the bar closes.
by hobbittroll February 23, 2015
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the inflation of an attorneys ego, wants and needs when he or she has been promoted from an associate position to a partner at a law firm.
Alan the Attorney: "Hey Suzy, do I have an aisle seat for my flight?"

Suzy the Secretary: "I'm sure you do, but I will double check."

Alan the Attorney: "Yes, please do. If I don't have an aisle seat I'm going to just kill myself."

Suzy the Secretary (to her co-worker): "Alan has gotten such partneritis since his promotion! He says he'll kill himself if he doesn't get an aisle seat! Maybe I should just put him in the middle ..."
by Suzy the Secretary February 2, 2010
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