-Like a thief in the night.
-Im coming for your heart,coming for your heart.
-Guess anything goes.

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I'm just a selfish ghost
by PimpDaddyChey April 6, 2020
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Also known as Styrofoam Packing Peanuts. Those little foam bits meant to protect a product that was shipped in a box. Often white, and thus also referred to as 'Ghost Turds'
1. Michael opened the box, and had to dig through all the Ghost Turds to take out the tiny statue he had bought for his collection.

2. Jeanette watched her cat jump into the box, then come out of it quickly, it's fur static and covered in styrofoam peanuts.
"Awww, Waffles, you're covered in Ghost Turds!"
by VampireTate May 13, 2019
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-when you feel a shit come out of your ass but you don’t see it in the toilet. Bonus points if it’s a clean shit too.
1: *in my head to myself* “bruh I just took a whopping shit and it’s nowhere to be seen in this toilet..”

2: “you ever take a shit and it feels like you shat a bunch and when you look in the toilet, there’s nothing in there?”

“Yeah, I call those ghost turds
by Smash_the_Pumpkins May 29, 2019
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This is the real thing that is happening when there's an earthquake. It is an act of a huge population of ghost gathers together in planning of shaking everything items to make it seem that there is really an earthquake.
In around 1:15am a ghost orgy is shaking a part of Luzon near metro manila.

by Yohma September 26, 2021
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There is no clear explanation for a monstrous beast like him.
Big Ghost just fucked my daughter and drowned my fish after dunking on a whale!!!
by Dickalishes January 5, 2020
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When a ghost gives someone a blowjob.
Rico got himself a ghost blowy last night.
by TheActualAlan May 20, 2023
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Disappearance of someone. Conversation Dead.
When someone is talking to you, you don't hear from them forever. "Ghosting hour"
by GraphicDemon September 16, 2019
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