A person on your snapchat friend list that never contacts you.
Bro this Julian guy is a snap ghost, he always leaves me on opened.
by stit shains May 21, 2018
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The sense of being high, by memory of previous experiences.

Substance free Psychedelia sensory impact.
It's so trippy, I was ghost gone!
by Ghostgone September 13, 2021
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When something is gross and you have to dry heave
“Ew that’s gross your making me blow ghost Chunks” (dry heaves)
by Kaylin Barry April 13, 2018
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When you are grossed out by something and you dry heave
Ew that’s gross (dry heaves) your making me blow ghost chunks.
by Kaylin Barry April 13, 2018
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An idea that you have had, possibly of profound nature, that has been forgotten and is eternally irretrievable. Like a dead, ghostly, slippery toad that has slipped away from the recesses of your mind, never to be seen again. Hence, GHOST TOAD.
Renee Descartes: I think therefore I..... ah damn it! Not ANOTHER ghost toad!!!
by schmuffin February 15, 2021
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When your partner eats a ghost pepper, then immediately proceeds to give you a blowjob.
Yo man if you haven't had your girl give you a ghost pepper pecker wrecker, you need to tell her to do it its fire bruh
by Radicalbatical September 9, 2019
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What idiots call quick scoping
Person A: yo I have been practicing this new technique called ghost scoping
Person B: it’s called quick scoping you idiot
by CoDBoy6969 October 5, 2018
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