The Son of a millionaire who spends all money on hookers and Drugs however happens to be the nicest person ever when it comes to a committed relationship and will make girls love him
by EdwardsCuccio April 4, 2022
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1. a censored store shelf novel called masterpiece by publisher's societies of america, there with arthur p. jacobs and readers digest among, with united artists a name, which features that a region post crucible in which abusers, rapists and churchist pedophiles reigned and no justice existed even for children in literature well known to be killers of monsters, despite the existence of the Evers in literature prior dateing.
2. the name for the unverified myth of the actor who played Huck in the child abuse prevalent, heroeless version by Mark Twain? of the film Tom Sawyer aforementioned synapsis 1. Who was credited by publishers soceities to be called Jeff East who apparently appeared in the next show Huckeberry Finn as a different actor, said to look exactly as Anton Yelchin a modern actor, while the prior Tom Sawyer was said to appear to be the son of modern young American Actor Elijah Wood.
3. In novels and books passed about by hand, this was not a motherless child but one such kid called a 'baby' who spent years or months became a toddler, after being rescued from churchain grabbers and taken down the missisippi by Huckleberry Finn a family friend.

4. In literature said to be the father of Tristan Ever, ie Tuck Everlasting's dad with Becky the baby's mom, Tom Sawyer's cousin of their secret sometimes, family ties.
Ain't never was there a kid about a robber story we had, any how? Well more about you could know Tom Sawyer weren't treated like Will Hunting for being an abused child, but that rang a fake tale wonder if'n hatch was a real one, and ain't an age Huck didn't kill you All for thinking you had slaves?
by Setsuko Kaguya December 24, 2018
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A challenge where you must dissapear off of all social media for a set period of time (Usually over a week)
Person 1: I'm depressed because of social media

Person 2: Why not take the Tom challenge ?
by CongaSnake January 4, 2019
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The coolest fucking place you'll ever go. They sell swords and guns.
"Man, I loved going to Tom's Hardware Store."
"I know man, it was crazy."
by keckothedragon November 7, 2023
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A creature made by a twisted mind with an uncontainable lust for the human Harry Potter.
"Did you hear about Dolphin Tom? Man, that will fuck you up".
"I honestly want a love as pure as Dolphin Tom has for Harry."
by Youllneverguesswhoitsnotme March 15, 2018
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