"Partnered" is a relationship status prior to engagement. When a person stops dating others (unless the person is polyamorous, which won't be gone into right now) and couples up with another person, a 'serious' relationship, each individual is considered partnered.
Married, Engaged, Partnered, or Single?
by RupertyDoop August 21, 2012
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No matter who you meet in life, or have love for, hopefully your partner is your husband or wife, and you don't ever need any other partner.
The guy's wife thought that a retarded guy she knew would never know like she knew that she already had a partner and did not need any other partner, so when she got tired of him trying to play with her hair, she talked to his friend George about it. A few days later George walked down into the woods with the guy, and walked out of the woods back into town alone.
by Solid Mantis August 13, 2019
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"Can I be your girlfriend?"
"Sure, but you have to answer to my more beautiful, loving and intelligent partner."
by Stella Zinman August 7, 2009
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Bondage Partners is to unite at least 2 individuals (referred to as Bubby & Bifey) through a Barriage Matrimony or a Barriage Ceremony for a lifetime or multiple lifetimes (Please see: Soulmates) in forever lasting love in a Barriage (Please see: Barriage).

If you feel that: Marriage = Divorce
In a Barriage or Bondage Partners... Well there is NO Divorce in a Bondage Matrimony...

Bubby is short for Bondage Hubby & the better half of a Bubby is a Bifey (or a Bubby). A Bifey which is short for Bondage Wifey.

The “Equation�� of Bubby & Bifey is the following:
Bubby <Gender Identifies As Male>:
(Bondage-ondage=B)+(Hubby-H =ubby)=Bubby
Bifey <Gender Identifies As Female>:
(Bondage-ondage=B)+(Wifey-W=ifey)= Bifey

Barriage is important term to use if you have been divorced at least once and you feel that marriage equals divorce. So an alternative to a Marriage is a Barriage, if you choose a “Barriage Matrimony” then there is NO Divorce options available in a Bondage Matrimony Or Barriage Ceremony.

Also known as: Barriage Ceremony, Bondage Matrimony, Barriage Matrimony, Bondage Ceremony, Polyamorous Barriage, Polyamorous Matrimony, Polyamorous Ceremony, Polyamorous Bondage Partnerships

(References please see definitions posted by Bifey’s Voice for the following term & definitions for: Barriage, Bubby and Bifey)
Bubby and Bifey are Bondage Partners for life since they had their Barriage Ceremony.


Their Barriage Ceremony officially united them as Bondage Partners and that took place on November 28th 2015.
by Bifey’s Voice May 26, 2019
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life partner both sharing love , happiness , joy and sadness together , standing for other whenever required .
life goes smooth whenever your life partner is together & adjustable.
by malushe December 24, 2015
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1. A partner in crime is someone you trust with secrets and get in trouble with together, usually one person

2. Partners in crime are two people who spend most of their time with each other, usually causing Michief
1. That was so fun putting sticky notes all over Mr. Janton's desk! You are my partner in crime!
2. Did you hear the rumors that Lucy and Claire said about Karen? The are always spreading rumors. They are like partners in crime.
by Pugacorn December 27, 2016
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The kind of bond that's stronger than "just friends," but isn't necessarily romantic either. It should be noted that this term isn't meant to undermine friendships nor is it "weaker" than romance. Popular among those who identify as aromantic and/or asexual.
Jake and Ethan are queerplatonic partners: the love they have for each other is stronger than friendship, but not quite romantic.
by jaybirb7 December 6, 2020
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