The act of acquiring and consuming a glizzy
Friend 1: Man there's good shang around here!
Friend 2: Don't worry I know a place where we can glizz up
by mdayoconnell July 25, 2023
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Term used by Aboriginal people asking for sex
You're a lubly lil damper, Chuck it up or what
by I'm anybody's man August 22, 2022
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When someone is up so good you feel like they getting away with murder
Anson: Yo my son cuffed?
Winston: Hell yea bro im up tremendously
by Upfuckintreem June 12, 2022
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time for smoking of marijuana in cigarette form; joint, blunt
hey john! lets' muggle up! -fuckin ay!

we better muggle up before we sex it up!
by michael foolsley January 8, 2010
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When your life is like shit already but more bad things keep happening. Bad news just pile up on top of each other.
Two days ago I lost my cousin. And today my gf broke up with me.

Shit piles up
by Ooway January 1, 2018
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Fingers Up Nose Syndrome is a genetic disorder commonly found in 15 Year old Arma 3 Players where they sound like they have their fingers jammed up their nose. There is no known cure for this disorder but there is hope for when Arma 4 gets released.
Wow these kids have a bad case of Fingers Up Nose Syndrome.
by Geeezzz1231 July 31, 2019
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I’ve beam something up for just 1$ each!
by krychu September 12, 2017
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