Originated from the song “Clout” by Offset featuring Cardi B

Someone who has this disease is basically addicted to instagram and cares too much about other peoples lives and what other people think of them. Once this disease is contracted there is no cure for it
Nah bro she def got the IG disease she always givin af about other peoples lives and opinions
by MrFlamin September 3, 2023
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information Gathering Squad, First started by a computer science student who goes by the alias “Empire” it all started when he met a hacker by the name of “Virus Detected” or later known as “Reaper” the two of them were staff for a well known DDoS for hire service, then as the months went by they started arguing with the owner so they ended up leaving and making their own DDoS for hire service it was around this time they started promoting there service on YouTube channels, then one day the police caught reaper for stealing multiple Microsoft accounts he was given a identity theft charge and put on house arrest for 3 months he ended up leaving the botnet community and not long after that empire did the same. Until a few months ago empire made a return to the botnet community uploading tutorials and leaking the source code to many exploits and botnet sources but it is alleged him and Reaper infected over 800,000 devices within 6 months. The authorities have still yet to figure out Empires real identity and it’s still a mystery why he made a return.
by Empire iGS January 8, 2021
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i need help but i dont wanna ask for it because i wanna be a strong
max "are you ok "?

kai "im ok ig
by December 27, 2022
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