I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby
Spack out of it (spack out of it)
I get the feelin' I left it too late, but baby
Spack out of it (spack out of it)
If that watch don't continue to swing
Or the fat lady fancies havin' a sing
I'll be here waitin' ever so patiently
For you to spack out of it
Forget Do I Wanna Know or Why Do You Call Me When Your High?, listen to Spack Out of It!
by Jack Spank9049 July 31, 2022
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what you tell your parents when you hotboxed your basement and at 2. am they come down and check on you they ask why the basement is so smokey.
Mom, we just blew out a candle, it makes a ton of smoke.
by bigboy frank October 1, 2017
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When your shih tzu, oftentimes a hig (black and white) and older, looks scruffy despite a recent grooming. Characterized by hair everywhere, brown moustache, and general look of homelessness.
Damn dude your dog is higged out”
“I would take him to the groomers more if he didn’t get higged out so quickly”
by noodleshowz May 30, 2024
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On this day, March 13th, you have to ask out “her”. This means ask her to be your girlfriend (or make it un-open, where you don’t talk to others), give her your hoodie, and do relationship things with her. Flowers, jewelry, stuffed animals, etc., are great options too. These don’t have to be given on March 13th.
Emma : “Guess what!?”
John : “What?”
Emma : “It’s National ask her out day. I hope Brad asks me.”
John : “Oh, so should i ask out Sarah?”
Emma : “Of course! Every girl wants that.”
by UrbanDictonaray March 3, 2023
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A proclamation prior to, during, or following a sex act that conveys appreciation or acknowledges support, or incorporates situational context into sex talk.
"Right before she started, she told me she'd 'like to dedicate this blowjob to her boyfriend for having great taste in women.'"
"Oh man, she gave you a bj shout-out?"
"Yeah, and it's not just me. Another time, she stopped in the middle to say, 'I'd like to give a shout-out to the Bordeaux region of France for making an excellent bottle of wine.'"
by sub verbo May 13, 2015
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when at a restaurant with a group of friends, you have to pay the entire bill for everyone that's part of your party
it`s hard work to pull the hippo out of the mud, especially when you are on a shoe-string budget
by Sexydimma April 29, 2015
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