7 definitions by you got it guys! x kt

stacey is one evil backstabbing b*tch
she is LGBTQ
and is the worst friend ever

never trust her with anything
always hate a stacey!
if you ever let her into your life she will steal your bf plus shes lesbian so how tf does that even work!?

agh the hate i have for her is unreal!

i wish she should just stay out of my life

she broke my heart so many times because of all the things she messed up with!

everyone: *runs and hides*

by you got it guys! x kt September 12, 2022
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a Tara is a special kind of special she always has your back and she has dealt with a lot of trouble she is very understanding and she knows her worth she is one of those people that don't take rubbish she normally has no filter and says what comes into her head she is one of a kind.
xoxo kt

have a awsome week guys! remeber your so much more than you look :) x
girl 1: AHHH how come Tara gest all the attention
girl2: ikr! maybe because shes so free to be who she is?
girl1: im gonna try be like a tara!
by you got it guys! x kt June 27, 2022
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Ok so a jasmine is an annoying maggot that will never mind her own business. she will add her 2 cents where it is not wanted and she has an opinion on everyone jasmines are people who no one likes

and they are normally easy.
they are Burnett fat blobs of fat
jasmine: you look so ugly today
me: okay
everyone:*laughing at jasmine*
by you got it guys! x kt June 9, 2023
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well your mental health is so important guys!
Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences cognition, perception, and behavior. It also determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making. Mental health includes subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one's intellectual and emotional potential, among others. From the perspectives of positive psychology or holism, mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how one defines "mental health". Some early signs related to mental health problems are sleep irritation, lack of energy and thinking of harming yourself or others.
girl: i have mental health issues!
boy: ok
boy: no
by you got it guys! x kt July 5, 2022
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what is a anna?

well to start of with...NEVER turn your back on a Anna because she will never her back on you even though you have have turned your back on yourself she will always be there for you and will always have a safe space for you...she is hardworking and outgoing day in and day out.
Anna is one of kind her name is just as sweet as her, Loving, brave, sweet, mindful of her words and has the biggest heart!
dont take advantage of a Anna just because she doesn't have the heart to say no :)!
boy 1: Anna is so cool!
boy 2: fr!
girl: yup thats my bff!
by you got it guys! x kt June 27, 2022
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kylie is just such a awesome person...she will always deny the fact that so many people love her!
Be so happy you met a kylie!
don't ever let that special person out of your life
BOY 1: OMG! here comes kylie! act cool dude!
BOY 2: AHHHHH *fixes hair!* done!
girl: are you talking about my awesome friend? haha
by you got it guys! x kt June 27, 2022
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oh my word a kylie, a kylie is a very nice and kind person and she is shy on the outside but once you get to know her u

can never get her to shut up she loves being around the people she loves and boy are you lucky to have a friend like kylie
Tara hey kylie
Kylie hey tara you have no idea the news I have to tell you............

A long time later

Tara cool kylie
by you got it guys! x kt September 7, 2022
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