21 definitions by ur mothers sons daughter grand

leaky(or lick) and ass together
bro you know that one kid that plays valorant? yeah he has a Licas
by ur mothers sons daughter grand September 12, 2023
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a word to describe a drug that is used for fucking that is implanted into a mans dick
person 1: bro this hurts so fucking much but im so horny
person 2: man i dont think im gonna be getting fuckazoids
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something that i found on urban dictionary that was submitted by NotUsing_Discord
person 1: yo i typed something random and v kd c vj gkg uk f fkhc came up
person 2: damn how board do you have to be?
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wow you think ur so smart searching up urban dictionary on urban dictionary. HAHA so funny.
No way this moron really just searched up Urban dictionary on Urban dictionary. Literally could not be me.
by ur mothers sons daughter grand November 6, 2022
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A kid who ryan m likes to grope in the boys changing room
zvan: holy shit what are you doing
ryan: i want ur ass
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