50 definitions by Toa Pohatu

To cause injuries,even a mark permanently.
Back in the days.When I was at my brothers godparents,I went for a slide,but one of them maimed me at the chin.
by Toa Pohatu March 18, 2017
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A type of tea,in which people drink it.
My gums used to bleed,so my mom told me to use camomile tea mixed with garlic to stop the bleeding.
by Toa Pohatu March 21, 2017
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To become close friends,very quickly.
I couldn't hit it off.I was a horrible friend.I didn't had any knowledge about friendship.
by Toa Pohatu April 6, 2017
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To become close friends,very quickly.
I couldn't hit it off with nobody.I was a horrible friend.I was missing the knowledge of friendship.
by Toa Pohatu April 5, 2017
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I meet this boy,who asked me for some loan,and I gave them to him.That hit it off.
by Toa Pohatu March 26, 2017
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To confess,espeasilly when someone has problems.
Come on Edward,spill your guts.I know that something happened to you at school.I recognize it after your face.
by Toa Pohatu March 3, 2017
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Something that is real,not fake,part in real life.
Most thing can be legit,even picture,cars,in movies.
by Toa Pohatu February 2, 2017
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