7 definitions by Mr. Cynic

An anti-depression medication. Fairly effective in treating depression, but it has some bitchin' side effects. Seizures, suicide, excessive sweating, etc.
Don't look at the price or you'll get depressed all over again.
by Mr. Cynic May 30, 2005
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see butthole. Merry likes to lick Pippins hobbit hole.
Oy! Merry, lick me hobbit hole!
by Mr. Cynic July 13, 2005
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An Asian cock. Yellow on the outside, and filled with cream.
Wu furiously shoved his twinkie in and out of Miss Yavonda.
by Mr. Cynic May 29, 2005
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1. To kill your CO. Popular during the Vietnam War.

2. To kill an enemy in an online FPS, popularized by Doom.

3. Short for fregmentation (grenade) .
1. Man, I heard Captain Afflack was fragged last night.

2. I just fragged 3 enemies with my double SMGs, biotch!

3. Hey, toss me a frag, I'm gonna blow this door down
by Mr. Cynic June 24, 2005
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