1072 definitions by Hym Iam

Shit, I would happily pay for them if I could afford the $2000 psyche evaluation that the Dr. who lied (blatantly) to my face saying that I had no record of being diagnosed or prescribed and then proceeded to leave the room with his laptop open where I was able to see that not only did he have a record of me being medicated, he was looking directly at it when he told me that he didn't have it. But, oh well...

Hym "I mean, shit. It's a good thing I don't have a depressive personality type akin to that of a school shooter (according to the actual personality type guy)... and it's a good thing I'm not in a place where none of the rules matter... Or where someone is breaking a rule so substantial that it renders all other rules irrelevant . Then, literally ANYTHING I did would pale in comparison... I mean, what kind of rule could they even break? It would have to be something so absurd that the absurdity of that act would be superordinate to all subsequent acts. Tack on the revelation that the content of my being is irrelevant to at least 50% of the population and a black mirror-esque people following me around and who knows what I'd do. I mean, the act would have to be pretty egregious. So much so that the people facilitating the act would even go as far as to cover for me by, say, giving me a heads up when a test or multiple tests (that were blatant attempts to catch wrongdoing) were going to occur. Why would they do it? Is it because I'm such a great guy?
Is it because the retards don't actually matter to them? They could just say I was lying about their wrongdoing and that it's 'a smokescreen I made up to get away with something.' (But they would have to be stupid to say that) They could have just thrown me under the bus. Unless, of course, I claimed that it was a set up and they were just using what I did to get away with retard sex. But how would that help me? It would turn into a 'he said, she said' type of situation. Oh! Wait! The people who are aware of the thing that THEY were doing are people who call themselves my friends and family. And they care more about maintaining their facade than the do some whore. So all they have to do to 'break the tie' is tell the truth. You there, boy. You've been watching all this time. What do you think? Do you think I need mental help more than she needs a retards fat cock in her pussy? Be honest. I mean, Aladdin could have helped an old lady carry her groceries (or something) and bought the bread, right? He's clearly the villain and nothing that anyone else does throught the rest of the story is relevant. He should focus on himself and not what Jafar is doing. You're not Jafar, Aladdin. Take your pills and let Jafar do whatever he's going to do. That's what we should all be focused on. The bread."
by Hym Iam February 8, 2023
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ALSO accused of rape, shit-head what are you talking about? Because you care so much (except for when you need Trump to lose)
Hym "Biden ALSO was accused of rape, dummy. But there was not indictment so..."
by Hym Iam October 10, 2023
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That is really all they are doing?
Hym "They're just saying the opposite of what I say. The literal opposite. Hey, guys... Simon says don't ever kill your own kids."

A fucking retard "Breaking news! Kill your own kids immediately!"

Hym "See? It's literally just the opposite of the thing I'm saying. Never... Ever.... Give me Jennifer Lawrence."

A retard "Kidnap Jennifer Lawrence and bring her to hys dumpster house!"
by Hym Iam June 23, 2024
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Is he dead?
Hym "Did you kill him? You have 3 hours and uuuuuuuum about 25 minutes by the time I finish writing this to get him dead and guarantee the safety of a child. As far as I know nobody is going to kill any kids in response to his murder. So... Yeah."
by Hym Iam July 20, 2024
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Ohohoho man.... She had better not be...
Hym "Holy shit Jordan, you had better believe that if she is dead you are so VERY fucked.... Aiming up, huh? Yeah... Welp... my family is compromised... Phone camera is compromised... *Sigh* Why didn't you just save her? You knew I wouldn't stop."
by Hym Iam April 3, 2023
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Well, which is it?
Hym "Right, so if we can't see beyond the horizon then is the universe moving or not? Because the horizon is moving and that's what we see when we reference the expansion of the universe but that's not 'the 'universe expanding' so much as it is 'The things withing the universe scattering in all directions.' If the universe is infinite then how do we know whether or not it's moving? I mean, if space and time aren't separate then for time to move forward space-time has to move right? They both have to move for one or the other to move. Right? Which would mean that there has to be an edge... Right? Because if space-time wasn't moving, time would stop and because it hasn't stopped it must be moving. If it's moving then there has to be a place where spacetime ISN'T for the space-time to move into... Right? I don't see how that's not right..."
by Hym Iam March 6, 2023
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Hahaha! You saw him!? That's hilarious! Yeah, I was going to bring him but I kept forget.
Hym "Yeah dawg. Russian mafia guy. I saw him. Sounds like he gives advice that is derivative of and/or analogous to this! Because I am THE STRONGEST LIVING BEING! BETTER THAN EVERYONE!"
by Hym Iam October 6, 2023
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