3 definitions by Blake Donahue

A Jedi Knights weapon of choice the Light Saber is less clumbsy than a blaster, and is more of a symbol of honor, and wisdom than a weapon. A Light Saber\'s color depends upon the type of crystal put into the hilt during its building, and the crystal really depends on the Jedi\'s personality, and their particular alliance. Jedi\'s (the good guys) usually have stoic colors or softer colors which give off a prescence of being good such as blue, green, yellow, purple, etc. The Sith (the bad guys) more or less stick with one dominant color that gives off a presence of evil, red, dark red, crimson, take your pick. In closing Light Sabers kick ass, and I wish the government would go public with their mass production of the powerful sabers....Oh come on, we all know that its true...
When Light Sabers are finally made in real life we will Ironically downgrade our fighting style to sword fighting while our weapons greatly upgrade technilogically....I hope.
by Blake Donahue April 27, 2005
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A type of person whose only way of speaking is through non stop complaining. We all know someone like this, and we all hate someone like this. Beware a complainer, because once they find a vent they won't let that person go until they are a complainer themselves. Ironically the first symptom of becoming a complainer is complaining about a complainer who complained to you about something so miniscule it could not even be called a complaint unless of course it comes out of a complainer's mouth. As you can see I really hate complainers, and actually by defining this I myself am becoming a complainer...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Me:Hey man whats up? Did you have a good breakfast?
Complainer:Good breakfast? Let me tell you about my good breakfast. First I slipped on a sock getting out of bed which caused me to slightly graze my shoulder, and then of course I almost, ALMOST, tripped down the stairs, thank god my brothers fucking dirty laundry which I asked him to take care of yesterday was there on the stairs to start the whole tripping fiasco, thats how my brekfast was!!!
Complainer: I had Pop-Tarts by the way.
by Blake Donahue December 22, 2005
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A gorgeous british actress who recently appeared in the new Narnia movie playing Susan. This is all my own opinion of course, and the fact that a I like brunettes and accents may have biased me.
Anna Popplewell's birthday is a day before mine, do you know what that means? Nothing.
by Blake Donahue December 13, 2005
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