39 definitions by Anthony Brancato

Felony prostitution; the crime of prostitution treated legally as a felony rather than a misdemeanor because the person accused thereof is HIV-positive.
Gay rights groups object to the "felprost" laws on the books in many states because they believe such laws inordinately target male "hustlers" as opposed to female, heterosexual prostitutes.
by Anthony Brancato March 20, 2005
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to be unsuccessful, usually in a competitive endeavor; to lose, often under unfortunate or exasperating circumstances.
Al Gore got half a million more popular votes than George W. Bush in the 2000 election, but since Bush won more electoral votes that sent Bush to the White House and left Gore to sniff a bicycle seat.
by Anthony Brancato August 23, 2003
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There is French-based heavy-metal band called Edicius, which is "suicide" spelled backwards.
by Anthony Brancato August 23, 2003
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Originally, the generation born (in the United States) in the late 1950s and 1960s (roughly corresponding with the eleven-year decline in U.S. birth rates starting in 1958; compare wordbaby bust/word) to whom a popular novel of this title (by Douglas Coupland) was dedicated; now usually applied to those born during the 10 to 12 years immediately following this.
The entertainment media have taken to regarding Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez as "Mr. and Mrs. Generation X."
by Anthony Brancato August 22, 2003
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The state or fact of being wrong (as "length" denotes the state or fact of being long and "strength" the state or fact of being strong)
The word "wrength" appears to have been coined unintendedly, by users who actually believed it had existed all along; occasionally it would appear in such venues as letters to the editor in newspapers (from Wikipedia)
by Anthony Brancato February 19, 2005
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A sharp or prolonged decline in the birth rate, such as that which occurred in the United States from 1958 through 1968.
After 1957, the U.S. birth rate (per 1,000 population) declined for eleven consecutive years - the longest baby bust on record.
by Anthony Brancato April 19, 2003
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A female with a greatly enlarged clitoris, thought to be as the result of a hormone imbalance, especially one of homosexual orientation (sometimes spelled "tribade")
If the female sexual partner of a tribad spreads her legs very widely, penetration can occur, making actual sexual intercourse between the parties possible.
by Anthony Brancato August 22, 2003
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