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Amidst stalled progress on achieving gender equality, the evaluation offices of UN Women, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, and WFP conducted an inter-agency synthesis of UN system…
UN Women and UNDP's Financial Centres for Sustainability Network (FC4S) joined forces to launch a comprehensive Gender Finance Booklet to advance gender equality within…
This report highlights the global challenges faced by women and provides a roadmap for targeted interventions and policy reforms. The report introduces two new indices:…
This guidance note offers analysis and recommendations to the United Nations system on how to leverage the platform of the UN Global Focal Point for the Rule of Law (GFP…
Drawing on a unique global dataset of nearly 5,000 measures adopted by 226 countries and territories in response to COVID-19, this UN Women and UNDP report finds that…
The Gender Equality Working Group of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 Global Action Plan on Healthy Living and Well-being for All, chaired by UN Women, along with the…
Grounded in a series of case studies from research and programming experience, this report offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how gender, climate, and…
This rapid assessment examines how the impacts of COVID-19 are threatening women’s ability to access justice. The assessment reflects challenges faced by women and girls…
This brief explores the implications for the provision of essential services for women and girls who have experienced violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides…
We know that violent extremism has gendered impacts. But how do gendered power relations influence violent extremism, including why individuals join extremist groups,…