Film Lab

218 images
turned on MacBook beside gold iPhone 5s
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Avatar of user Josh Hild
In collaboration with Josh Hild
two pictures of a person surfing in the ocean
a person holding a photo of a forest
a potted plant sitting next to three pictures on a wall
a woman holding up a picture of a person in the ocean
view of person with bird on her hand photo
photo of man on snow-covered land
person holding four photos
black camcorder on table beside pictures
painting on shelf
National Park photo
assorted flower and plant paintings on wooden surface
several portraits on top of white textile
closeup photo of brown-and-gray paintings on wal
a black and white photo of a camera
black camera lens
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Avatar of user Josh Hild
In collaboration with Josh Hild
turned on MacBook beside gold iPhone 5s
a person holding a photo of a forest
a woman holding up a picture of a person in the ocean
photo of man on snow-covered land
black camcorder on table beside pictures
National Park photo
a cell phone sitting on top of a table
a black and white photo of a camera
black camera lens
a book wrapped in a blanket on a bed
a number of pictures on a shelf near a window
two pictures of a person surfing in the ocean
a potted plant sitting next to three pictures on a wall
view of person with bird on her hand photo
person holding four photos
painting on shelf
assorted flower and plant paintings on wooden surface
several portraits on top of white textile
closeup photo of brown-and-gray paintings on wal
a film strip with a picture of a mountain on it
turned on MacBook beside gold iPhone 5s
a woman holding up a picture of a person in the ocean
person holding four photos
painting on shelf
several portraits on top of white textile
a black and white photo of a camera
a film strip with a picture of a mountain on it
a number of pictures on a shelf near a window
a person holding a photo of a forest
view of person with bird on her hand photo
black camcorder on table beside pictures
assorted flower and plant paintings on wooden surface
a cell phone sitting on top of a table
black camera lens
a book wrapped in a blanket on a bed
two pictures of a person surfing in the ocean
a potted plant sitting next to three pictures on a wall
photo of man on snow-covered land
National Park photo
closeup photo of brown-and-gray paintings on wal

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