Kiel University

University news


Many of us are looking for it, even here at Kiel University: Love ❤️

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Scientists in the lab

New antibody harbours great potential for fighting blood cancer

Clinically proven antibody demonstrates good efficacy against cancer cells in model trials for the treatment of childhood leukaemia


Three men with lab coats

Novel synthesis of fluorinated molecules with potential in drug research developed

A research team from Kiel has described a method for directly converting carbon-hydrogen bonds in carboxylic acids into carbon-fluorine bonds.

Research group

Target discovered for the treatment of pancreatic cancer

A team at the Institute of Biochemistry at Kiel University has found a way to inhibit the function of the tumour-causing protein MYC. This can be used…

Two people push a handcart through the mudflats, a third goes ahead with measuring rods

Further parts of Rungholt have been identified

Eight-day research campaign provides new insights into the settlement history of the North Frisian Wadden Sea.


How sea spray blurs our view of the past

A new Emmy Noether Research Group at Kiel University investigates the effect of sea spray on the isotope signature of organisms on the Baltic and…

People on a ship

SEA-EU research expedition stops over in Kiel on its way to the Arctic

Open ship and networking event on the University of Gdansk’s research catamaran “Oceanograf” on June 6 in Kiel.

Group of people

Large-scale research project on medical sensors is extended

German Research Foundation funds Collaborative Research Centre 1261 on medical diagnostics in Kiel with a further 12 million euros.


Research at Kiel University

Clusters of Excellence

As one of only 17 top German universities and two university consortia, the CAU was able to acquire two Clusters as part of the German Excellence Strategy: "Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation" (PMI)  and "ROOTS - Societal, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies”. They will be funded with around 100 million euros until the end of 2025.


Logo PMI - Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation
Logo Roots - Social, Environmental, and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Priority Research Areas of Kiel University

Kiel University’s four priority research areas (KMS - Kiel Marine Science, KLS - Kiel Life Science, SECC - Societal, Environmental and Cultural Change, KiNSIS - Kiel Nano Surface & Interface Science) enable close interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration between different research fields on shared core topics. The priority research areas are also interlinked with one another and closely related to the CAU’s eight faculties.


Logo Kiel Marine Science. Connected Research
Logo KLS: Kiel Life Science
Logo Kiel Nano, Surface & Interface Science

Research at Kiel University

The CAU is Schleswig-Holstein’s only fully-fledged university with a major focus on research. Over time, four dynamic priority research areas have systematically developed which are based on strong disciplines interacting together - Marine Science, Life Science, Societal and Cultural Change, and Nano Surface & Interface Science. Each individual research area makes a substantial contribution towards dealing with at least one of the grand challenges of our time. Around 800 research projects - in national and international partnerships or by individual researchers - are funded by the federal or state government, the EU and by companies. There is also enormous research potential in addition to third-party funding grants.


The 8 Faculties of the University

When Kiel University was founded in 1665, the four traditional sciences were organised into faculties - Theology, Law, Medicine and Philosophy. These have expanded over the years to include separate faculties:

So the Natural Sciences and Humanities, the Business, Economics and Social Sciences as well the  Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences received their own faculty. The most recent addition is the Faculty of Engineering on the Ostufer (east bank), which was founded in 1990.

Studying at Kiel University

Degree programmes on offer

Courses from A to Z, teacher training, business education, Bachelors, Masters, state examinations or doctoral degrees: Schleswig-Holstein’s only comprehensive university offers 190 degree programmes.

In addition to this, the CAU also offers a junior study programme for school pupils, lectures as part of a guest auditor scheme or special courses for adults without Abitur or who have a different university entrance qualification within the scope of the contact studies programme.

Studying beyond the boundaries of one discipline – a range of initiatives at the CAU is now offering this, with specific courses for students who are already registered on a Master’s degree programme or who are working towards an interdisciplinary Master’s.

More about studying at the CAU


Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Kiel University (CAU) was founded back in 1665. It is Schleswig-Holstein's oldest, largest and best-known university, with 27,000 students and around 3,700 members of staff. It is also the only fully-fledged university in the state. Seven Nobel prize winners have worked here. The CAU has been successfully taking part in the Excellence Initiative since 2006.