Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, IANWGE RSS news feed Sitemap Contact IANWGE Login to IANWGE Intranet
UN Interagency Collaboration on Women and Gender Equality
Annual Meetings
Task Forces
Resolutions on Gender Equality
Collaboration outside the UN
Gender Mainstreaming

Tools and policy documents on Gender Mainstreaming
UN gender equality news feed
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UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Girls in ICT
This session will be held during ITU TELECOM World 2011 to raise visibility for Girls in ICT activities among TELECOM participants in an effort to encourage the public and private ICT sector to train, support and hire more women.
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Tools and policy documents on Gender Mainstreaming in the UN systemPolicy documents and Action Plans on Gender Mainstreaming in the UN System
View the repository of policies, strategies and action plans within the UN system, a comparative chart on the implementation of strategy on gender mainstreaming within the United Nations system.
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Tools and policy documents on Gender Mainstreaming in the UN systemResources and Tools for Capacity Development on Gender Mainstreaming within the UN System
View the repository of tools and resources within the UN system, a comparative chart on capacity developement for gender mainstreaming within the United Nations system.
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Women�s economic empowerment, accountability and national ownership
Summary Report of the Joint Biennial Workshop of the United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) and the OECD-DAC Network on Gender Equality (GENDERNET), 1-2 February 2010, Vienna, Austria
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The Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) is a network of Gender Focal Points in United Nations offices, specialized agencies, funds and programmes and is chaired by UN Women. UN Women also serves as the Secretariat for the Network.

The Network has played a central role in promoting gender equality throughout the United Nations system and in follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (Beijing +5) in 2000.
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The IANWGE consists of approximately 60 members representing 25 entities of the United Nations system, i.e. offices and departments of the United Nations Secretariat, regional commissions, funds and programmes, specialized agencies, and the Bretton Woods institutions.

Currently, all CEB member entities and Departments within the UN Secretariat receive invitations to the annual meeting of the IANWGE which usually takes place in the first quarter of each year.
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