Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territory

In facts and figures

  • Territory: Gaza Strip (365 km²) and the West Bank (approximately  5,655 km²), including East Jerusalem. (Source: OCHA: Humanitarian Atlas Occupied Palestinian Territory 2019)
  • Percentage of the West Bank off-limits for Palestinian use: 61% [1] (Source: UN OCHA Area C, 2021)
  • West Bank separation wall: Total planned length: 712 km; 65.3% is complete, of which 85 % runs inside the West Bank. (Source: UN OCHA, Barrier Update 2021)
  • The Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: 4.8 million (1.9 million in Gaza, 2.9 million in the West Bank). (Sources: UN OCHA Humanitarian Atlas Occupied Palestinian Territory 2019)
  • Palestine refugees registered with UNRWA: 5.6 million (1.4 million in Gaza, 858 thousand in the West Bank, 2.2 million in Jordan, 476 thousand in Lebanon, and 562 thousand in Syria) as of December 2019. (Source: UNRWA in Figures)
  • Israeli settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem: approximately 630 thousand in 150 settlements established in the West Bank since 1967 and 128 “outposts” – settlements erected without official Israeli authorization. (Sources: “Report on UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People: Developments in the Economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory” Aug 2020; UN OCHA “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) Humanitarian Needs Overview 2021” Dec 2020)
  • Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints obstructing Palestinian movement in the West Bank: 593, most of them aimed to protect Israeli settlers. (Source: UN OCHA “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) Humanitarian Needs Overview 2021” Dec 2020)
  • Conflict-related deaths 2011-2021: 3,572 Palestinians, 198 Israelis; including 806 Palestinian children and 14 Israeli children. (Sources: UN OCHA Special Focus, OCHA Online Protection of Civilians Database)
  • Per capita GDP Occupied Palestinian Territory: US$ 3,463.3, 2019. (Sources: World Bank Publications “Palestinian Territories” Oct 2020; IMF World Economic Outlook) Compared with US$ 43,592 in Israel.
  • Poverty rate Occupied Palestinian Territory: 36% in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and 64% in Gaza; 2021 est.  (Source: UN OCHA “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) Humanitarian Needs Overview 2021” Dec 2020)
  • Water: Palestinian per capita access to water consumption in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is below the internationally recommended level of 100 liters per capita. Israel controls 85% of Palestinian water sources. (Source: “Report on UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People: Developments in the Economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory” Aug 2020)
  • Food Security: 2 million Palestinians are considered food insecure, including 0.6 million in the West Bank and 1.4 million in Gaza; 2021 est. (Source: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2021)

[1] Due to land allocation to Israeli settlements, and settlements’ local and regional councils