What is shy bladder syndrome?

To put it simply, paruresis is an inability to pee when we think other people may see or hear us. It’s often also called shy bladder, bashful bladder, pee shy or stage fright. It is recognised as a social anxiety disorder which affects both men and women, of all ages. It causes them to avoid situations that make it difficult or impossible for them to be able to pee. It was first professionally recognised in 1954.

Shy Bladder Syndrome Support Forum
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It can have devastating effects on an individual’s life. Career choices, social lives, everyday activities, travel – these can all be affected by a fear of not being able to pee. It’s very common for people with paruresis to lead rather reclusive lives. They frequently experience depression and anxiety.

UK Paruresis Trust offers information and support to help individuals living with paruresis.

We run discreet and sensitive workshops (weekend residential workshops or online day workshops). They will introduce you to the techniques which can help you to improve your quality of life.

You can chat anonymously to other people who have paruresis on our online forum.

You can read stories of how other individuals have managed to beat the condition.

Health professionals can find out how best to help their patients who have paruresis.

Living with it

Find out more about paruresis and how other people have dealt with it.

Use our moderated forum

For men and women who find it difficult or impossible to urinate in a public or social situation.


Start facing your fears in a controlled way using small steps in our Workshops.

How to help and donate

UKPT is a non-profit-making organisation, and our services are not dependent on your ability to pay. Most of what we do is run by volunteers, but we inevitably have expenses – workshops, administration, awareness raising costs, internet costs. If you are able to make a donation, however small, to help support the ongoing work of the organisation it would be greatly appreciated.
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Latest News and Information

25 June 2024
Living with Paruresis
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We've all been there. You're on the bus/train and there are lots of empty seats. Someone you don't know gets on and sits on the seat right next to you...
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That's the question which everyone who has paruresis wants to know the answer to. There is certainly no easy option. There is no pill you can take whi...
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Media Articles
A blog writer in a local newspaper in small town USA ponders on his shy bladder issue. Wiser's Wramblings - I'm Not Shying Away This Time: A nice awkw...
25 June 2024
Living with Paruresis
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We've all been there. You're on the bus/train and there are lots of empty seats. Someone you don't know gets on and sits on the seat right next to you...
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That's the question which everyone who has paruresis wants to know the answer to. There is certainly no easy option. There is no pill you can take whi...
15 April 2024
Media Articles
A blog writer in a local newspaper in small town USA ponders on his shy bladder issue. Wiser's Wramblings - I'm Not Shying Away This Time: A nice awkw...
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