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Research and Innovation

Consultancy, Directorships and Academic Activity

Policy Title Policy Owner  Last Review Date Link to Policy
Policy On University Consultancy, Directorships And Other Remunerated Academic Activity External to UCC VP Research and Innovation  19/12/2016 UCC Policy on University Consultancy, Directorships and other Remunerated Activ

Enabling research staff to develop teaching skills (Guidelines)

Document title Policy Owner Last review date Link to document
Guidelines on Enabling Research Staff in UCC to develop teaching skills VP Research and Innovation 20/07/2020 Guidelines on Enabling Research Staff in UCC to develop teaching skills

Research Ethics

Policy Title Policy Owner Last Review Date File
Guidance Document for Conducting Internet Research  VP Research and Innovation 10/05/2019 Guidance for Conducting Research on Online Platforms 2019 
Guidance for SREC applicants  VP Research and Innovation 10/05/2019 Guidance Document for SREC applicants 2019
Guidance for Researchers Conducting Research with Vulnerable People VP Research and Innovation 10/05/2019 Vulnerability Guidance Document 2019

Intellectual Property

Document Title  Policy Owner  Last Review Date  File
Intellectual Property Policy VP Research and Innovation  20/10/2020 Intellectual Property Policy 

RICU Governance Policy

Policy Title Policy Owner Last Review Date File 
Policy on the Governance of Research Institutes, Centres and Units VP Research and Innovation 16/12/2014 RICU Governance Policy

Further research Policies and Guidence

Policy Title Policy Owner Last Review Date File
Biological Waste Policy VP Research and Innovation 28/09/2018 UCC Biological Waste Policy 2018 
Code of Research Conduct VP Research and Innovation 14/09/2021 UCC Code of Research Conduct 2021 
Conflict of Interest Policy Coperate Secretary, OCLA 11/06/2019 Conflict of Interest Policy 
Data Provenance (SFI) VP Research and Innovation 2019 Data Provemamce (SFI) 
UCC Export Control Internal Compliance Programme (ICP) VP Research and Innovation 01/01/2024 Export Control (2024) 
Open Access Publications Policy VP Research and Innovation 11/11/2016 Open Access to Publications Policy 2016 

Research Policies (UCC Staff only access)

Research Policies can be found on the Research Support SharePoint site linked below

Research Support - Research Policies UCC staff only access

More on UCC Research and Innovation


Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
