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SMS Notifications

By Twilio

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  • SMS
  • Twilio
  • Applications

This sample app provides an example of how to automate a workflow using Twilio's REST APIs and Twilio SMS. This particular example mimics a vacation rental website where a host can notify guests of a reservation via text message.

Here is an example of that workflow: 

  • A host creates a vacation property listing through the website
  • A guest requests a reservation for a property through the website
  • The host receives an SMS notifying them of the reservation request
  • The host can either Accept or Reject the reservation by responding to the SMS
    • The guest is notified via SMS whether their request was rejected or accepted

Step 1: Choose a language

Step 2: You need an API key to get started.
Get a free API key

Step 3: Set up the code sample locally



Read setup instructions

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