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Tripadvisor Affiliate Program

What is the Tripadvisor Affiliate Program

What is the Tripadvisor Affiliate Program?

Partner with the world's largest travel site — and help your users discover great ideas for their trips.
Our affiliate program allows you to leverage the Tripadvisor brand to enhance your content, earn a steady revenue stream on hotel traffic, and provide users access to rich content spanning 795 million reviews and 1.4 million places to stay.

Work with the world's largest travel site and earn a minimum 50% commission

Work with the world's largest travel site and earn a minimum 50% commission

How do I earn commissions?

When a user comes to Tripadvisor via an affiliate link on your site and subsequently clicks any of the hotel booking links on Tripadvisor, they are sent on to our booking partners and you've secured your commission.
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Your site

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Tripadvisor (Click Out)

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Hotel booking partner

There is no booking required, the user just needs to click out from Tripadvisor to any of our hotel booking partners.
Three examples of publishers we work with, their traffic to Tripadvisor and monthly commissions

Publisher #1


clicks sent to Tripadvisor


Publisher #2


clicks sent to Tripadvisor


Publisher #3


clicks sent to Tripadvisor


The amount earned per click-out depends on factors like the given booking partner, hotel, seasonality, and length of stay.

Getting started

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Choose a network partner

Our network partners provide you with the link generators, manage user tracking and pays the commissions. Both are free to sign up with, and offer the same program terms, global tracking and payouts.
For more on our network partners, visit the FAQs.
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Search for Tripadvisor

Once you've signed up, find us in the network platform and apply to join our affiliate program.
For details on approval criteria, visit the FAQs.
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Create your links

Use the link tools provided by the networks to create trackable links to any page on Tripadvisor and add them to your site.