The Easiest Way to Get a Free Flight Upgrade, According to Flight Attendants

Experts share how to ask for an upgrade on a flight and which travelers are most likely to succeed.

It's every economy passenger's dream to be whisked out of the main cabin and into the glamorous world on the other side of the curtain. If your frequent flier status leaves much to be desired, you may believe that this dream will never come to fruition — but you could be wrong.

Although each flight is different, there are a few common reasons why flight attendants or gate agents pull strings for some lucky passengers. To help you figure out how to ask for an upgrade on a flight, flight attendants share their top tricks and secrets with Travel + Leisure.

When to Ask for an Upgrade

On quieter travel days

Of course, to get upgraded to a higher class on a plane, there have to be open seats in that section. If you're a last-minute booker, you can often see exactly how many seats have been taken on the seat selection page at booking. Otherwise, TikTok travel creator Shelby Church says to book your flight on the quietest travel days — Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday — and avoid the mid-morning departures. "I never hear people talking about this method, but it works pretty well."

Before getting on the plane

Kat Kamalani, former flight attendant and TikTok creator, tells T+L that the best time to ask for an upgrade is while you're waiting at the gate. Talk to a gate agent and let them know that you're interested in moving up. "Once on board, there isn't anything we can do as a flight attendant," Kamalani says of her airline, but every airline has its own rules. Gate agents will typically have a list of frequent fliers who are eligible for upgrades, but if there's no one on the upgrade list, it could be your lucky day.

After you've earned elite status

The surest way to get upgraded for free on a flight is to have elite status with the airline. Frequent fliers with airline loyalty will always get priority when there are empty seats to be filled in first class or business class. In addition to free upgrades, you might also earn perks like lounge access, waived luggage fees, and early boarding if you log lots of miles with just one company.

Tips for Making the Ask

Be nice to the staff.

"If you just come on board and stick to yourself, you're a great passenger," Kamalani says. "Even more if you are happy or kind to us. We get a lot of grumpy people that travel and take it out on flight attendants." Remember to make eye contact when your flight attendants come around, and thank them for their service.

"A passenger who calls me by my name is someone that stands out," flight attendant and author Lia Ocampo says. "In my airline, our names are etched on the flight attendant wings we are wearing, and we introduce ourselves at the beginning of the flight. So, when a passenger talks to me using my name, it creates a culture of respect and recognition."

If you're looking to go above and beyond, consider bringing a small token of appreciation for flight attendants — it could come back to you in the form of free drinks, snacks, or a last-minute upgrade. "Even just a simple candy bar or chapstick goes a long way," Kamalani says. "It's not needed, but it will definitely get you special treatment." Ocampo adds that gift cards, particularly those for a coffee shop, are a "favorite treat" among flight attendants.

If you're going to be upgraded on the flight, it's likely to be at the very beginning. "There are times when a flight has a weight and balance issue," Ocampo says. "The flight crew will then ask flight attendants to move passengers from the back to the first-class or middle of the cabin. Then, we decide who we want to move to upgrade." Passengers who have been kind are generally among the first to be considered for these last-minute upgrades.

Dress to impress.

Most people want to fly in the coziest clothes they can get away with wearing in public, but the outfit you pick for the plane could be a deal breaker for whether you get an upgrade. Although it isn't likely that you'll be selected for an upgrade solely based on what you wear, some flight attendants have revealed that you could be removed from the upgrade list if you look a little too comfy.

Couple smiling at ticket agent in airport

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Clue gate agents in on special circumstances.

Those traveling with a baby may have a better chance of receiving an upgrade. Touch base with the gate agents before boarding, and if you're able to get into a Comfort or bulkhead seat, flight attendants may also give you a bassinet aboard long flights, Kamalani says. You might also get bumped to a more comfortable seat if you're tall or pregnant.

Ocampo advises passengers to let gate agents know whenever they're traveling for a special occasion as well, but that they should drop the information casually. "Make a friendly conversation with the gate agent and talk about your occasion," she says. Manage your expectations — in most cases, agents can't offer rewards for birthdays, anniversaries, and the like, but Ocampo says "you never know. That may give you and your companion the upgrade you're hoping for."

Updated by
Olivia Young
Olivia sitting with mosaic tiles in background
Olivia Young is a freelance journalist and slow travel advocate. Her favorite travel days usually involve vegan food, wildlife sightings, and an occasional liability waiver.

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