7 Tips for Getting Your Sex Toys Through Airport Security

With a little research, you can save yourself some red-faced hassle.

Packing sex toys in your carry-on luggage.

Helin Loik-Tomson / Getty Images

According to a recent study conducted by Sandals Resorts, a whopping 73 percent of traveling couples said their intimate time together was more satisfying while on vacation than at home, with 80 percent resolving to prioritize intimacy with their partner once they returned from their trip. Traveling has been known to boost your sex drive, likely as a result of being away from the demands of a busy lifestyle, such as work, childcare, and social obligations.

With all that passion brewing, you may want to step outside your comfort zone and bring some adult toys along on the trip. But figuring out how to pack those intimate items might seem intimidating, especially since your bags will be scanned and screened by TSA officers. So many questions arise: Can you bring lube on a plane? Is it OK to pack condoms in a carry-on? As it turns out, the answer to both is yes — you can take lube on a plane, even in your carry-on, provided it's under 3.4 ounces (and it can be any size if you check your bag).

If you're jetting off for an amorous getaway, take these tips from Tristan Weedmark, We-Vibe's former Global Passion Ambassador, for seamlessly getting your sex toys through airport security.

Choose a smaller vibrator.

When traveling, it's always advisable to pack light, and the same goes for your sex toys. You won't want to be lugging around a big vibrator in your suitcase and you certainly won't want a huge mysterious object to pop up on the security monitor. Instead, stick with a petite but powerful toy that can easily be tucked away in an inner suitcase pocket.

Prevent impromptu buzzing.

Having your vibrator accidentally start buzzing as you go through airport security will certainly draw unwanted attention. If you have a battery-operated toy, simply remove the batteries. If you have a rechargeable vibrator, you may want to run the charge out before you pack it. This might mean using it every night for a week before your trip, but who's complaining about that?

Bag it.

Put your vibrator in a clear plastic bag. This way, if TSA screeners do open your bag, they'll be able to see what it is without having their hands all over it; much more hygienic!

Play it cool.

TSA staff are trained to pick up on travelers who are acting suspiciously. If you seem nervous because you're worried about your vibrator being found, they'll notice. Try to stay cool, calm, and collected. Keep in mind that you are certainly not the first or last person to travel with a vibrator.

Own it.

Let's say the worst-case scenario does happen and the TSA screener searches your bag. The best thing you can do is tell the truth. Traveling with a vibrator says that you're comfortable with your sexuality and there is nothing wrong with that. Be confident and comfortable, and you'll save yourself from any more questions or probing.

Follow the 3.4-ounce rule.

If you plan to take lube on the plane (or toy cleaner to go along with your vibrator), it shouldn't be an issue, so long as you follow the TSA's restrictions for liquids. Keep it to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less for carry-on bags, though any size is OK for checked luggage.

Do your research.

Unfortunately, some countries, like India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, have restrictions on sex toys. Do your research ahead of time to avoid the risk of having your vibrator confiscated. When it comes to flying with intimate objects, consult the handy "What Can I Bring?" search tool on the TSA website. Enter the item you're planning to pack, such as "vibrator," and you'll quickly be able to see if it's permitted and any restrictions that might apply.

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