Jimmy Carter is "at the very end" of his life, his grandson Jason said yesterday.

While speaking at the Rosalynn Carter Symposium on Mental Health Policy, held at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Jason reiterated what he shared earlier this year about his grandfather's health. "There's a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there's a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end. And I think he has been there in that space," Jason said. Carter was outspoken in his Christian faith throughout his political career, and authored a book on the subject, Faith: A Journey for All, at age 93. He even taught Sunday school at the small Maranatha Baptist Church in his hometown of Plains until the pandemic prevented him from doing so in 2020.

Jason also said he recently spent time with his grandfather watching an Atlanta Braves game at Carter's home in Plains, Georgia. "I said, 'Pawpaw, people ask me how you're doing, and I say, I don't know.' And he said, 'well, I don't know myself,'" Jason said, per the Georgia Recorder, adding, "He's still there."

Carter, who entered hospice care in February 2023, is the nation's longest-living president. His wife, Rosalynn, passed away this past November, at age 96, and Jimmy attended the memorial service. "My grandmother's passing was a difficult moment for all of us, including my grandfather," Jason said. "The outpouring of love and support that we, as a family, received from people in this room and from the rest of the world was so remarkable and meaningful to us. And it really turned that whole process into a celebration."

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Emily Burack
Senior News Editor

Emily Burack (she/her) is the Senior News Editor for Town & Country, where she covers entertainment, culture, the royals, and a range of other subjects. Before joining T&C, she was the deputy managing editor at Hey Alma, a Jewish culture site. Follow her @emburack on Twitter and Instagram.