Northeast Ohio
Workforce Coalition

Powered by Towards Employment


Northeast Ohio Workforce Coalition (NEOWC) is an affiliate of the Ohio Workforce Coalition and shares the vision of a future where Ohioan’s have equitable access to opportunity and the supports they need to take advantage of it; Ohio’s businesses have a skilled workforce advancing in quality jobs; and Ohio’s workforce systems are aligned, transparent, and accountable.

NEOWC works to create a “table” where local policy makers and funders can engage workforce stakeholders in a more efficient manner, and by which NEOWC members can bring priority issues to their attention.  It offers quarterly sessions to share best practices, foster innovation, promote alignment, and leverage expert input on programmatic, funding and policy issues.

The Leadership Committee Includes:

The Literacy Cooperative, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, United Way, Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries, and Youth Opportunities Unlimited.

Join us for NEOWC Quarterly Meetings

Next Meeting: August 15th, 9:30am - 10:30am

Join us for the next Northeast Ohio Workforce Coalition’s Q3 meeting on August 15th from 9:00am - 10:30am.